Captain George McLellan and his wife, Martha Woodberry, had a son named Charles Woodberry McLellan (Sr.). Charles was born in Portland, Maine, on March 22, 1807, and died in Beverly, Massachusetts, on July 26, 1884, at the age of 77. He married Mary Wallis who was born in Beverly, Massachusetts, on May 9, 1809, and died in Boston, Massachusetts, on March 29, 1875, at the age of 65. Charles Jr. stated that she died of an illness.
The following is a genealogy of the Wallis family. A family member compiled it probably in the 1800s. Based on inspection of a paper with similar writing for the Foster family tree, it could have been compiled by Calvin Goodridge since the roots are traced to him and not a McLellan. It is not known where the original source of the information was obtained.
Nathaniel Wallis was born in 1632 and died on October 18, 1709. He married a person named Margaret.
Nathaniel Wallis — first of the name in Beverly — was born in Cornwall Co. England in 1632. He married Margaret ? In company of his brother John he emigrated to Portland, Me. Their settlement was destroyed by Indians in 1675 when they came to Gloucester, Mass. From there Nathaniel removed to Beverly, but John remained at Gloucester, and soon after returned to Portland with his family. But were driven out a second time, by Indians, thence removed to Gloucester, where he died Sept. 23, 1690. In 1702, his son Josiah with wife Mary, Benjamin & Joseph, and others, returned to Portland to re-build the place. The French and Indians attacked them and the wives of Josiah and Benjamin were killed and two children of Josiah, the wife of Joseph, the family Thomas Leavitt, a Mr. Madeford, were carried into captivity. Josiah took his son John on his back, and escaped to Scarborough, Me.
Nathaniel and his wife united with the First Church, in Beverly, July 15, 1690. He died Oct. 18, 1709. Margaret, his wife, known in the church as “Mother Wallis”, died May 14, 1711, aged 85 years.
The following is the Will of Nathaniel Wallis. It was compiled by the same person that compiled the Wallis and Foster genealogies.
The Will of Nathaniel Wallis.
In the Name of God amen I Nathaniel Wallis of ye Town of Beverly & Co, Essex In his Magesties province of Mass. Bay in New England yeoman being of sound Mind and Memory tho under the Infirmities of age as to Bodily health, & not knowing how soon my great Chage may Come, Do make & ordaine this my Last Will and testament In manner and afforme following:
Imprimis — I Bequeath my Soul to God who gave it and my Body to the Decentry Interred att ye Descretion of my Executors, hoping thro ye mercy of God by ye Meritts of Christ Jesus that It shall be raised up to Eternal Life.
Item — My Will is as to ye Earthly Goods & Estate yt God hath bestowed upon mee — first That all my Just Debts & funerall charges be payd by my Executors hereafter named. I Give & Bequeath to my Loving Wife Margaret ye whole of my Estate reall & personal to be wholly for her use and behoof dureing ye whole Term of her Naturall Life provided Shee so long remain a Widow.
Item — After ye Decease of my said Wife I give & bequeath all my housing & Lands Lying & being in Beverly aforesaid to my two sons Caleb & Joshua to be equally Divided between them with all ye privileges & appurtenances thereto belonging to Them & Their heires for ever.
Item — I Give & bequeath all ye Moveables of my Estate yt shall remaine after my Wives Decease viz: whether moveables household stuff
Living Creatures or wt soever Else whether within Doors or without to my three children viz: Caleb Joshua & Mary Pike to each an equall share & proportion.
Item — I Give & bequeath unto my Grandson John of John Wallis my ffarme Lyeing & being In Ffalmouth In ye porvince of Maine In New England aforesaid being by Estimation one hundred & forty two acres be it more or Less and is Called back cove with all ye parts privileges & appurtenances yr units belonging to ye said John Wallis & his heires for ever.
Item — I Give & bequeath unto my Grandson Nathaniel Wallis my ffarme on ye Western side of Pasumscot River In ye Province of Maine aforesaid being by Estimation one hundred & two acres more or Less with all ye parts privileges & appurtenances yr unto belonging to said Nathaniel to him & to his Heires for Ever.
Item — I Give & bequeath my ffarme Lyeing & being In North Yarmouth In the Province of Maine In New England aforesaid Esteemed Three hundred & nine acres be itt more or Less & called Broad Cove with a piece of Salt marsh caled Wallis Marsh Lying on Cozen’s River In ye Town & Province Last aforenamed with all ye Parts & privileges parcells & appurtenances to both or Either of ye said ffarme or salt marsh beloning to my Sons Caleb & Joshua aforenamed to Each an Equal Share to Them & to Their Heires for Ever.
Item — I Doe by These presents Constitute appoint & ordaine my two Loveing Sons aforenamed Vizt. Caleb & Joshua Wallis Joint & Sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testament by these presents ratifying & confirming this to be my Last Will & Testiment and Declare any Will by mee herefore made bee null & void — and In Witness hereof I have Sett my hand & Seale this Sixteenth Day of June In ye year of ye Lord one thousand six hundred ninety & nine.
Nath. Wallis O seal.
Signed Sealed & Delivered
In presence of us
Robt. Hale, Elizabeth Clark, Anna X Lucas [X represents her mark]
In ye Name of God amen I Nathaniell Wallis within mentioned being still thro Divine Goodness Continued in Life & good understanding of Mind & Soundness of Memory Doe on ye present Day & Date hereunderwritten see Cause to Ratify and further as for as Lyes in my power Confirm my within Written Last Will & Testament In every part Clause paragraph particular word & thing yrof & yrin mentioned written & being — Saveing Only I see Cause & alter yrin as following Vizt: My Will is yt my Executors within named vizt: my Loving sons Caleb & Joshua Doe Joyntly Cause to be payd or either of ym yt shall be surviving att my Decease the Just sum of six pence In silver money to my Grandson Nath’l Wallis within Named or to his heires and further my Will is yt as to any lands meadow saltmarsh or upland of mine Lyeing & being att or In any part of Cases bay In ye province of Maine within mentioned all so much of said upland & saltmarsh &c that shall appear to belong to mee at my Decease be equally shared & divided between my two sons Caleb & Joshua Wallis & Grandson John Wallis within named In Equall pportion between said Three & yr heirs for Ever Saving only my Land lying att pasconycut River In ye said province of Maine & given by ye within Instrument to my Grandson Nathaniell Wallis & his heires for ever and In Witness yt ye above written Is my Mind & Will I hereunto sett my Hand & seale this Twenty second Day of Feb. anno dom. Seventeen hundred four-five. Signed Sealed & Declared to be added & ye Last Will of Mr. Nath’el Wallis sen in presence of us____ Nathan’l Wallis.
Robt. Symonds Joannah Hale.
Nathaniel’s children were:
Bartholemew (1657 – Jan 17, 1676) – died at age 19
* Caleb (1666 - Nov. 1, 1714)
Nathaniel – probably died before his father
John - removed to Sherborn
Joshua – married Abiah, daughter of Exercise Conant, June 1, 1692
Mary – married a Mr. Pike
2. Caleb Wallis
Caleb Wallis married Sarah Stone on December 12, 1687. He was a Town Clerk in 1703. He died on November 1, 1714. Their children were:
Caleb (1695 – Sept, 1714)
* Daniel (Nov 9, 1701 – Aug 13, 1774)
Daniel Wallis was born on November 9, 1701, and died on August 13, 1774. He married Sarah Creesy in August 1725. She died April 12, 1762, at the age of 56. One of their children was named Caleb.
Caleb Wallis (May 28, 1727 - Feb. 9, 1780)
Caleb Wallis was born on May 28, 1727, and died suddenly while ringing the “old South bell” on February 9, 1780. He was a Deacon in the church. He married Rebecca Giles on November 24, 1752. They had at least one child.
Bartholomew Wallis (Aug. 25, 1753 - Nov, 25,1828)
Bartholomew Wallis was born on August 25, 1753, and died on November 25, 1828. He married Edith [or Judith] Wood on October 3, 1773. She was born on July 16, 1754, and died November 26, 1836. Bartholomew was a Colonel in Captain Joseph Rea’s Co. in 1775. He also served later in Lieutenant Joseph Wood’s Company. Their children were:
Edith (Jan 30, 1774 - ) – married Samuel Stickney November, 1794
Anna – married Samuel Foster June 1799
* Bartholemew (Oct 6, 1779 – Nov 13, 1863) – married Fanny Foster Dec 13, 1798
Andrew W. (Dec 26, 1784 – Mar 20, 1837) – married Joanna Woodberry Dec 1805
Israel (July 2, 1787 - ) – married Lydia Burnham, of Essex
Polly (Aug 2, 1789 – Aug 8, 1834) – Married Israle Trask Dec. 31, 1809
Levi (Feb 11, 1792 – Mar 21, 1827)
Luther (July 1794 – Sept. 29, 1796
Bartholomew Wallis, Jr. married Fanny Foster on December 13, 1798. They had seven children.
Lydia (April 30, 1799 - ) - married Joseph Pearson
Augusta (Oct 26, 1801 - ) - married William Goodridge
Mary (Jan 10, 1804 – Sept 14, 1805)
Edward (April 17, 1805 - ) – died unmarried
* Mary (May 9, 1809 - Mar 29, 1875) – married Charles W. McLellan I
Calvin (May 8, 1811 - ) – married Betsey Brower
Luther (Nov 25, 1814 - ) – married Elisabeth Bell
Mary Wallis was born on May 9, 1809, and died on March 29, 1875. She married Charles W. McLellan.
Mary Wallis' parents were Bartholomew Wallis and Fanny Foster. Bartholomew’s parents were Bartholemew Wallis and Judith Wood. [Charles wrote the name Judith Wood but a family tree shows Edith]. Bartholemew Wallis' parents were Caleb Wallis and Rebecca Giles. Charles McLellan Jr. stated that the oldest Bartholemew was a non-commissioned officer under George Washington and was at Valley Forge. His brother-in-law was Colonel Ebenezer Francis who commanded the force, which covered the retreat of the American Army when it retreated from Ticonderoga. He was killed on that occasion in 1777.
Charles Jr. also wrote that his great-grandmother was Judith Wood. Judith's sister was the wife of Colonel Francis. Charles stated that his grandparents, "Pa and Ma Wallis" as he often called them in his memoirs, died in 1864. After his grandparents died, divisions in the family occurred. Many years went by before Charles visited his boyhood home again.
In summary, the Wallis family tree is:
1. Nathaniel Wallis (1632 - 1709) – married Margaret
2. Caleb (1666 - 1714) – married Sarah Stone
3. Daniel (1701 - 1774) – married Sarah Creesy
4. Caleb Wallis (1727 - 1780) - married Rebecca Giles
5. Bartholemew Wallis (1753 - 1828) - married Judith Wood
6. Bartholemew Wallis (1779 - 1863) - married Fanny Foster
7. Mary Wallis (1809-1875) - married Charles W. McLellan I
8. Charles Woodberry McLellan (1836 - 1918) - married Elizabeth Nye
9. Malcolm Nye McLellan (1877 - 1963) - married Florence Sherwood
10. Elizabeth McLellan (1907 - 1987) - married George Chimicles
Wallis Relatives of Charles McLellan, Jr.
Charles McLellan Jr. stated that he had an uncle named Luther who was his mother's youngest brother. Another uncle, named Edward, was not married and had no children. Charles stated that Edward lived upstairs to "Pa and Ma Wallis". He was mechanically inclined and at one time built an organ. He was probably Bartholemew and Mary Wallis' son.
Aunt Lydia was another aunt of Charles McLellan Jr. She married someone named Pierson and had children named Bartholemew and Mary Ellen. Aunt Lydia may have been Charles Jr. mother's sister since her dad was named Bartholemew and Aunt Lydia had a son with the same name.
Charles Jr. also had an Uncle William who was Aunt Augusta’s husband. They had a large family after going to California in 1849 (the time of the California Gold Rush). The children were named Fanny, William Henry, Calvin, Marry, Lizzie, Sarah, Nellie and Charlie.
The Wallis family tree of the generation that Charles McLellan Jr. was familiar with can be written as:
Bartholemew Wallis - married Fanny Foster
Lydia Wallis - married Pierson
Bartholemew Pierson
Mary Ellen Pierson
Augusta Wallis – married William Goodridge – California in 1849
Fanny Goodridge
William Henry Goodridge
Calvin Goodridge
Marry Goodridge
Lizzie Goodridge
Sarah Goodridge
Nellie Goodridge
Charlie Goodridge
Mary Wallis - married Charles McLellan Sr. (1807-1884)
Charles McLellan Jr. (1836-1918)
George McLellan
Mary Eliza (1844- >1880)
Edward Wallis - not married
Calvin Wallis – married Betsey Brower
Anna “Betsey Ann” Wallis
Calvin Wallis – married
Fred Wallis – married Stella, lived in Derry, N.H.
Majorie (~1902 - )
Henry Wallis – married
Louis Wallis – Boston
Anna (~1898 - )
Merritt Wallis - carpenter
Augustus Wallis
Emily Wallis – married. Obear
George B. Obear – Waterville, Maine
Luther Wallis - youngest brother of Mary Wallis
It was stated in Charles Jr.’s memoirs that he had a cousin named Willie Hill who had a son named Roger B. Hill. Charles also had a cousin named Calvin Goodridge.
Charles stated that he had an uncle named Calvin. Calvin had a family with children named Anna "Betsey Ann", Calvin, Henry and Augustus.
The following letter was written by Calvin Wallis, who appears to be the son of Calvin Wallis (Sr.) and a cousin of Charles Woodberry McLellan. Charles’ mother was a Wallis and he had relatives in Beverly. In the letter, Calvin mentions a number of his relatives:
Beverly March 22, 1915
Dear Cousin Charlie.
Received yours of the 18th was glad that you remembered your old friends in Beverly, should you come to town hardly think you would know the place so many changes and probably we should see a change in each other. I often think of these days at the farms when we used to go to the woods and beach together, yes those were pleasant days. My sister Emily after being in poor health for several years passed away very peacefully and suddenly at the last, She had kidney trouble. She left husband and one son (Geo. B. Obear) a professor in Colby College, Waterville, Me. Brother Henry and wife are at St. Cloud, Florida, passing the winter at their winter home, his sickness last winter was from a broken shoulder, but he has fully recovered from that and is in his usual health, his wife is not very well, in fact has not been for many years. Henry has two sons, one is a carpenter, Merritt the other Louis who has a good position in the Edison Electric Co. Boston, head salesman has one daughter (Anna) about 17 years old, they live at their old home Cross St. Now for ourselves, wife and I are jogging along comfortably. Our health is good, I am still in the firm of Wallis and Allen, contractors (carpenters) since June 1, 1883, I think of drawing out before a great while as I cannot work as I could ten years ago and it is not necessary either. We have one son (Fred) who has a wife (Stella) and a daughter (Majorie) who is almost 13 years old. They live in Derry N. H., he is Superintendent of a large shoe factory (Woodberry Shoe Co.) a Beverly Co. I should have said or was, for last Wednesday it burned flat to the ground they have not decided whether to move the Derry business to Beverly to their factory here or to go on there. We expect him this noon to be with us a few days. Now will close, please accept our kind regards for you and family.
Yours very truly,
Cousin Calvin
(Calvin Wallis)
Calvin Goodridge was a cousin of Charles McLellan and was the son of William and Augusta Goodridge. Augusta was Charles McLellan’s Aunt. Calvin died when he was 77 years old and was found alone in his home.
From a Beverly, Massachusetts, newspaper clipping of February, 1908:
Body is Found of Calvin W. Goodridge
Was Probably Striccken Some Days Ago
Cold in death, attired in his night clothes with a blanket wrapped around him, the body of Calvin W. Goodridge was found in the chamber of his home, 330 Cabot street, yesterday afternoon.
For years Mr. Goodridge had lived alone, occupying half of the house at the corner of Elliott and Cabot streets. How long he had been dead is a mystery, but it is thought that he must have passed away before Saturday of last week, for the body was frozen stiff when found.
The discovery of the body of Mr. Goodridge came after inquiries had been made concerning his health by Mrs. H. D. Lambert of Cabot street. It seems that Mr. Goodridge for many years used to call on George Selby, superintendent of the stables of N. W. Rice of the Burgess point summer colony, Mr. Selby’s daughter, married Dr. Lambert, and when in the winter season Mr. Selby moved to Boston, Mr. Goodridge used to call at Dr. Lambert’s, coming regularly on Saturday.
Last week he did not come and when nothing had been heard from him, Mrs. Lambert called at the Goodridge house and made inquiries, thinking that perhaps that Mr. Goodridge was ill.
In his own way, Mr. Goodridge had looked after his own home and when he did not make his appearance nothing was thought of it but after the call of Mrs. Lambert yesterday, Mrs. Charles Goodridge, who lives in the other side of the house with a friend went to the tenement of Mr. Goodridge and after an entrance had been secured, found the body of Mr. Goodridge as described. He had evidently been stricken when he rose from his bed and died before he could summon aid.
Mr. Goodridge was born in Beverly 77 years ago and was the son of William and Augusta Goodridge. He was educated in the public schools and for many years worked at the shoe trade but has been retired, and has done but little work for many years. He had a little garden of his own and spend [sic] much of his spare time in its cultivation. He was well known about the city, especially among the older people and is said to have possessed a snug fortune. Some years ago he was much interested in the stock markets and visited Boston daily looking after his investments. He was a man of many peculiarities but his pleasant manner and his old fashioned courtesies won him many friends wherever he went.
The Foster family tree appears to have been written in the mid-1800s. It could have been written by Calvin Goodridge since he traces the line from Fanny to Augusta and then to himself where it stops. The handwriting is unfamiliar. The McLellans added the line for Mary Wallis indicating it was another branch. More information about the other children of each generation may have been compiled by the McLellans and typed later.
Reginald Foster was of an old family from the West part of England. His wife was named Judith and they had five sons and two daughters. The family settled in Ipswitch, Massachusetts, in 1638. His wife died in October 1664. He survived her and lived to a great age. They had at least one child who was named Jacob.
Jacob Foster was born in England in 1635 and died on July 9, 1710. He first married Martha Kinsman on January 12, 1658. After her death, he married Abiagal Lord on February 26, 1667. She survived him and died June 4, 1729.
Here Lies Dec’n
Jacob Foster
who died July
ye 9th 1710
In ye 75 yr of
His Age
Joseph Foster was born on September 14, 1680, and married (Elizabeth Goodwin), Mary Cressy, of Beverly, on August 13, 1712 (and Sara Brown). Mary was the widow of John Groves who died before 1708. Their children were:
* Joseph (Aug 15, 1709 - )
Benjamin (Feb 3, 1712 - )
Lydia (May 5, 1714 – Aug 28, 1800) - married Peter Ober Aug 17, 1731
Josiah (Nov 8, 1715 - ) – married Anna Thissall, June 8, 1738
Samuel (Aug 20, 1717 - ) – married Mary Thorndike, Aug 31, 1741
Mary (Aug 1, 1719 - ) – married Ezra Chapman
Benjamin (Aug 2, 1721- ) – married Abigail Herrick Sept. 14, 1742
Sarah (Oct 19, 1725 - ) – married Elisha Dodge
Jonathan (June 18, 1729- ) – married Mary Lovett, Nov 8, 1750
Joseph Foster was born in Beverly on February 14, 1714 [or Aug 15, 1709], and died on February 27, 1767[61]) at the age of 53 and 13 days. He married Hannah Trask in Ipswich, Massachusetts, on November 12, 1735. She died August 10, 1778, at the age of 61. He was styled Deacon. Their children were:
Thomas ( Oct 18, 1736 – July 26, 1794)
Joseph (Dec 25, 1739 - )
Mary (Jan 18, 1741 - ) – married Henry Herrick, Nov 21, 1765
Hannah (Mar 4, 1744 - ) – married first Jonathan Ellingwood, May 5, 1767, sec., Nehemiah Smith
* Daniel (Feb 15, 1745-6 - 1835) – married Judith Woodberry Aug. 2, 1775
Elisabeth (April 7, 1748 - )
Sarah (Dec 29, 1750 - ) – married Ebenezer Tuck, Feb. 11, 1772
Ezra T. (Sept. 29, 1752 – Nov 6, 1789) – married Sally Stickney of Billerica, 1784
Lydia (Mar 8, 1757 - ) – married Samuel Roundy, Sept 13, 1779
Daniel Foster was born on February 14, 1745-6, and died in 1835. He married Judith Woodberry on August 2, 1774. She died on April 8, 1817, at the age of 63. Their children were:
Daniel (Dec 28, 1775 - ) – married Lydia Whittredge, Apr. 7, 1799
Ezra T. (Oct 4, 1777 – Jan 7, 1779) – died young
* Fanny (Mar 25, 1779 - ) – married Bartholomew Wallis, Dec 13, 1798
Israel (Nov 2, 1780 – Apr 16, 1801) – killed by discharge of gun
James (Aug 20, 1782 - ) – married Mary Vickery, July 14, 1807
Seth (Apr 10, 1784 - ) – married Nancy Goodridge, Jan 2, 1814
Betsey (May 3, 1786 – Mar 5, 1858) – married John Buffington Sempe, Dec 4, 1806
Joseph (May 17, 1789 - ) – married Rebecca Batchelder, Apr 7, 1816
Augustus (Nov 1, 1795 – Aug 4, 1796) – died young
Fanny Foster was born on March 25, 1779, and married Bartholomew Wallis on December 13, 1798[?]. He died November 13, 1863. Their children were:
Lydia (April 30, 1799 - ) - married Joseph Pearson
Augusta (Oct 26, 1801 - ) - married William Goodridge
Mary (Jan 10, 1804 – Sept 14, 1805)
Edward (April 17, 1805 - ) – died unmarried
* Mary (May 9, 1809 - ) – married Charles W. McLellan, Sr.
Calvin (May 8, 1811 - ) – married Betsey Brower
Luther (Nov 25, 1814 - ) – married Elisabeth Bell
Based on possibly Calvin Goodridge’s family line:
6. Augusta Foster (Oct 26, 1801 - ) – married William Goodridge
7. Mary Wallis (May 9, 1809 – Mar, 1875) - married Charles Woodberry McLellan, Sr.
8. Calvin Goodridge
Fanny Foster's parents were Daniel Foster and Judith Woodberry (another entry of the Woodberry family name). Daniel Foster's parents were Joseph Foster and Hannah Trask[?]. Charles Jr. stated that Fanny was of the sixth generation direct from Sir Reginald Foster, who came to Ipswitch, Massachusetts, from England.
The family tree starting from the Foster family is:
1. Sir Reginald Foster - came to Ipswitch, Mass. from England
2. Jacob Foster (1635 - 1710) – married Martha Kinsman
3. Joseph Foster (1680 - ) – married Mary Cressy
4. Joseph Foster (1714 - 1767[1]) - married Hannah Trask
5. Daniel Foster (1745-6 - 1835) - married Judith Woodberry
6. Fanny Foster (1779 - ) - married Bartholemew Wallis
7. Mary Wallis (1809 - 1875) - married Charles W. McLellan I
8. Charles Woodberry McLellan Jr. (1836 - 1918) - married Elizabeth Nye
9. Malcolm Nye McLellan (1877 - 1963) - married Florence Sherwood
10. Elizabeth McLellan (1907 - 1987) - married George Chimicles
The Woodberry's are also an old and noble family. The first Woodberry to settle in Massachusetts was John Woodberry who sailed from Somersetshire, England, and settled in Cape Ann, Massachusetts, around 1624. In 1626, John moved to Salem and obtained land that later became part of Beverly, Massachusetts. Charles Jr. stated in his memoirs that the Woodberry's came to Beverly sometime before 1630.
The following was written probably in the mid-1800s by a family member:
History of the Woodberry Family
The Woodberry family was the most numerous family in Beverly. John the first of the name in America came from Somersetshire, England to Cape Ann now called Beverly in 1624. The year following 1625 he went to England for his son Humphrey and returned with him in 1628 and brought supplies. John and his wife Agnes were of the original members of the First Church in Salem. It is stated that he and his brother William went over to Cape Ann side about 1630. When the latter settled at what is now called Woodberry Point. From them all by the name of Woodberry in New England are descended. After John Woodberry had his grant at Bass River he removed [ ?? ] and there died after a life of energy an[sic] faithfulness to the Colony in 1641 aged 60 years.
It is an honorable as well as an ancient family but few enterprises of count and moment were wet on foot in the Colony except a Woodberry was one of the party. [ ?? ] Bevery Woodberry piloted a fleet in the capture of St. John and Port Royal expedition of 1664 and a full century later a Beverly Woodberry stord[?] by the side of Wolfe as he fell in victory on the Plains of Abraham and wore on that day a sword that is still an heir-loom in the family. The first house built by a Woodberry in Beverly was located just opposite the Willows[?].
The following is the Woodberry family tree:
1. John Woodberry - sailed from England and settled in Massachusetts circa 1624
2. Unknown Woodberry
3. Robert Woodberry – married Mary West
4. Thomas Woodberry (1703-1751) - married Lucy Herrick
5. Asa Woodberry (1747-1830) - married Anna Woodberry
6. Martha Woodberry (1773-1844) - married George McLellan
7. Charles Woodberry McLellan, Sr. (1807-1884) - married Mary Wallis
8. Charles Woodberry McLellan, Jr. (1836-1918) - married Elizabeth Nye
9. Malcolm Nye McLellan (1877-1963) - married Florence Sherwood
10. Elizabeth McLellan (1907-1987) - married George Chimicles
In Charles McLellan's Jr. memoirs, he stated that he thought a Woodberry fought at Quebec.
Thomas Woodberry was born on June 21, 1703, and died on May 8, 1751 at the age of 47. He married Lucy Herrick and had a son named Asa Woodberry. Thomas was 44 years old when Asa was born. It is not know if Thomas had any other children.
Thomas and Lucy Woodberry's child was:
* Asa Woodberry (Nov 15[19?], 1747 - Apr 2[3?], 1830) - married Anna Woodberry
Asa Woodberry was born in Beverly, Massachusetts, on November 15, 1747, and died on April 2[3?], 1830, at the age of 82. His wife was named Annie Woodberry and he married her in 1771 when he was 24 years old. Woodberry appears to have been her maiden name.
Annie Woodberry was the daughter of Andrew and Donna[?] Woodberry. She was born on March 14 of an unknown year , married August 19, 1736, and died on October 3, 1844, at the age of 71.
The following was written about Asa and Annie Woodberry. It was not written by the person who wrote the letter about John Woodberry. Hugh wrote that it was written by the sister of father’s grandfather named Eliza Woodberry.
The Family of Asa and Annie Woodberry
Asa Woodberry was born of Thomas and Lucy Woodberry her maiden name was Lucy Herrick, Asa Woodberry was born November 19th, 1747 Died April 3rd 1830 aged 82. Annie Woodberry wife of Asa Woodberry was daughter of Andrew and Donna[?] Woodberry whose maiden name was Dodge. She was born March 14th married August 19, 1736. Died Oct 3d 1844. Aged of 71. Robert Woodberry grand father to Asa Woodberry and Mary West his grand mother was Mary West. Annie Woodberry’s grand parents were Andrew Woodberry and Emma Elliot[?].
Children of the above are as the following. Jan 18th Martha McLellan born 1773 died August 29th 1844 aged 71 years and 7 months. Asa born 1777 died 1846 aged 71. Thirza Smith born 1780 Died 1850 aged 70 and 5 months. Leannah[?] died at 3 years old. Gecher[?] born Jan 17 1782 – Died aged 23. Chearles[sic] born August 15th 1785 died aged 16. Joanna Wallis born February 18 1787 died May 18th 1842. George born 1788 Died 1838. Nancy Appleton born 178[?] Died aged 83. Ruth Wood born 1790 died 1869 September 23d aged 79. Lucy Marsters now living age 89 born 1791.
Larkin Woodberry born March 6 1794 Died November 10th 1860. Asa and Annie Woodberry married September 3, 1771.
Annie Woodberry and Asa Woodberry was of the 6th generation of Woodberrys his father married 2 times. Martha Cleaves (1st wife) was her name 26 when she Died, Oct 29 1729 the first wife.
Written by E [Eliza] Woodberry [Hugh McLellan may have written “sister of father’s grandfather”].
Asa and Anna had a number of children:
* Martha Woodberry (Jan 18, 1773 - Aug 29, 1844) - married George McLellan
Asa Woodberry (1777- 1846) – died at age 71
Thirza Smith Woodberry (1780 – 1850) – died at age 70 and 5 months
Leannah[?] Woodberry - died at age 3
Gecher[?] Woodberry (Jan 17, 1782 - ) – died at age 23
Chearles Woodberry (August 15, 1785 - ) – died at age 16
Joanna Wallis Woodberry (February 19, 1787 – May 18, 1842)
George Woodberry (1788 – 1838)
Nancy Appleton Woodberry (178[?] - ) – died at age 83
Ruth Wood Woodberry (1790 – September 23, 1869) – died at age 79
Lucy Marsters Woodberry (1791- ) – still living at age 89[?]
Larkin Woodberry (March 6, 1794 – November 10, 1860)
Beca Woodberry? (1778? - ?) – not known who she is the daughter of
It is known that a person named Beca Woodberry lived in 1790. Mother has a woven sampler cloth in a frame that was made by Beca when she was a child. Young girls who had to practice weaving made samplers like this. In those days, girls were often judged on how well they could weave since most of the family clothes were woven in the home. The following was woven into the cloth:
Beca Woodberry in the Twelfth Year of her Age this done in the Month of August in the Year 1790. [The alphabet and numbers are also spelled on the cloth.]
Since it is known that Beca Woodberry was 12 years old in 1790, she would have been born around 1778. Her father may have been Asa Woodberry since he would have been 31 when she was born. Beca could therefore be Martha's younger sister although no information has been found collaborating this. A ‘Rebeckah Woodberry’ is mentioned in Martha McLellan’s letter in the next section. This might be the same person but it is unknown how she is related to Martha.
3. Martha (Woodberry) McLellan
Martha Woodberry was born on January 18, 1773, and died on August 29, 1844, at the age of 71. She married Captain George McLellan on July 23, 1795, and had eight children. Of the eight, only the four youngest children survived to adulthood and married. Charles Jr. wrote that Martha was of the sixth generation from John Woodberry.
Martha and George's children were:
Elizabeth McLellan (Jan 14, 1799 – Sept. 23, 1822) – died at 23 yrs, 8 mo, born Beverly
Martha McLellan ( March 11, 1800 – October 15, 1805[6]) – died at 6 yrs, 7 mo, b. Beverly
Hannah Woodberry McLellan (April 15, 1802 – September 20, 1803 ) – died at 17 mo
George Woodberry McLellan (Jan 13, 1804 – May 6, 1807) – died at 3 yrs, 4 mo, b. Portland
* Charles Woodberry [Davis] McLellan (Mar. 22, 1807 - July 26, 1884) – m. M. Wallis, b. Portland
George McLellan (Jan 28, 1809 - ) – married Sarah Ann Mitchell, Aug 23, 1835
Thirza Smith McLellan (Nov. 10, 1811->1902) – m. W. P. Cleaves, Apr 15, 1833, b. Portland
Nancy Appleton (Oct 28, 1813 - ) – married Nathan Cleaves, June 17, 1838, b. Portland
A picture of Martha is hanging in the Clinton County Historical Society Museum at 48 Court Street in Plattsburgh.