
Centennial History of


No. 237

Free and Accepted Masons

1851 - 1951

Including a Sketch of


1807 - 1833



Centennial History of


No. 237

 Free and Accepted Masons


Including a Sketch of



















LET THE RECORDS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. Through the constant changes of officers, with their varying characteristics, and with no thought of the future historian, the records of a Masonic Lodge omit much more than they include. This History, therefore, will contain much discontinuity, and many omissions which it is now impossible to supply.

We were fortunate in finding among the records in Grand Lodge a portion of the history of Harmony Lodge, which may be considered as predecessor of Champlain Lodge. A few additional items have been gleaned from letters, diaries and similar sources, but most of its twenty-six years of exis tence are hidden in darkness.

The archives of Champlain Lodge have been carefully examined. The Records for the past one hundred years are contained in twelve bound volumes, are well preserved and complete. A card index of members has been made, and it is hoped that these may be incorporated in the excellent set of Historical Ledgers inaugurated and set up by a former Secretary, Orville R. Dunn.

The inclusion in this brochure of the complete roster of the members of the Lodge, and the list of those who have borne the burden through the years as its officers, should prove of value — raising them from the oblivion of "time immemorial" to Brothers who still live in our hearts as faith ful workmen in the ereftion of the edifice we now honor.




Harmony Lodge, No. 154

The First Masonic Lodge
in the Towns of Champlain and Chazy


IN PRESENTING a history of Champlain Lodge, it would seem appropriate to go back to the year 1807, when its ancestor—Harmony Lodge, No. 154—was organized. Local records of this Lodge have disappeared, but from various sources a reasonably full account may be reconstructed.

The Proceedings of the New York Grand Lodge state that on March 4, 1807, "A petition from a number of brethren praying for a warrant to hold a Lodge in the town of Champlain, in the County of Clinton, in this State, recommended by Franklin Lodge No. 10, to be called Harmony Lodge, was read and granted."

Until the year 1814 we find but slight mention of the Lodge. On March 9, 1808, Judge Pliny Moore entered "Masons Installation" in his journal. And on June 27, 1810, his daughter Ann wrote to him that "Monday the Masons celebrated St. Johns. Mr. Nye [Jonathan Nye) preached the sermon, which as usual was strewed with flowers. He has some beautiful sentences, and well adapted to the occasion, but few thinks he possesses that depth of knowledge that is ascribed to Mr. Pettengill." In referring to the same event, Jehudi Ashmun wrote in his journal, "On my way home, I called at a Masonic meeting, heard the eloquence of the preacher, but was far from receiving the least comfort; and I think I may also say, instruction." (From Gurley's Life of Jehudi Ashmun.)

It is unfortunate that no records of Harmony Lodge have been found to bridge the period of the War of 1812, which must have greatly disturbed the activities of the Fraternity, located on the frontier and threatened by invading armies. This is shown in the several letters, petitions and Returns now in the Grand Secretary's office.

Petition to Grand Lodge

To the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of New York.

We the Undersigners, being Members of Harmony Lodge now holden at Champlain in the State of New York, and having, as we trust the best good of Masonry at heart, beg leave respectfully to shew

That, Champlain being a frontier Town, the Property of the sd Lodge is constantly exposed and the Records of the same every hour liable to be destroyed and forever lost,

That while convened for the dispatch of business, we are com pelled to consider even our persons in danger from unforeseen in cursions of the enemy,

That Chazy is altogether a more central place, as it respects the Members of the sd Lodge, two thirds or more of them being in habitants of the sd Town of Chazy,

That the present place of holding sd Lodge is at so great a dis tance from us, that it is not unfrequently happens, through the badness of the Roads, inclemency of the weather &c. that a Majority of the Members of the sd Lodge are unavoidably pre vented from attending even Regular Meetings, which (as we consider) is a great detriment to the prosperity of the sd Lodge,

That we think it but right and reasonable, that the place of holding a Lodge should not be such, as will not accommodate the greatest number of its Members, thereby securing the inestimable privilege of attendance in the greatest possible extent.

These with other reasons, which might be mentioned, have in duced us to lay the Case before the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge; praying them to take the same into their serious considera tion, and should they in their wisdom see it for the benefit of the Craft, that the sd Harmony Lodge should be removed from the sd Town of Champlain, to the sd Town of Chazy, we pray that they would issue such Directions as they shall deem proper as speedily as may be.

Dated at Chazy this 2d Day of Novr in the year 5814.

Wm. Lawrence W. M.

Thomas Cooper S. W.

William Barber J. W.

Nehemiah Merritt Treasurer

Seth Warner Secretary

Leonard Thomas J. D.

This petition was acted upon in Grand Lodge on December 14, 1814, and leave granted. In August, 1816, the Lodge, by unani mous vote, petitioned Grand Lodge for permission to return to Champlain. This request was granted, and the Lodge remained in Champlain until 1820, when again it was moved to Chazy, where it appears to have continued for the remainder of its existence. Among the reasons given for desiring this removal was "because another Lodge has been Chartered at Odletown by the Grand Lodge of Canada, and is convenient for the Brethren of Cham plain."

The Return to Grand Lodge in 1818 lists Robert McPherson, W.M., Harry Graves, S.W., Elihu Belding, J.W., Thomas Cooper, Treasurer, and William H. Houghton, Secretary. Sixty-six names of members are given. In 1824 the officers were William Barber, W.M., Joel Byington, S.W., Harry Graves, J.W., John Aldridge, Jr., Secretary, and William H. Houghton, Treasurer.

The payment of the Annual Returns become more and more difficult, as the following letters indicate.

Letter to the Grand Secretary

Champlain Novr 29, 1819.

Brother Elias Hicks, Grand Secretary

Dear Sir

The Lodge not having it in their power to meet the dues of the Grand Lodge, owing to some Indigent Brethren making applica tion to the Lodge for assistance which is out of their power to re fund the money, we have made every exertion to make some collections and have collected the amt of Forty Dollars which we will forward to you pr mail or deposit in Plattsburg Bank as you may direct.

We wish the circumstances of the Lodge might be taken into consideration, and if the Grand Lodge can consistently make a deduction from the amt due it will be rendering some of the Brethren and the Lodge in general a great service.

The Brethren have conformed with the Constitution in taking a vote that the Lodge might be removed to the Town of Chazy owing to the greater proportion of the Brethren residing in that quarter and unanimously agreed that the Worshipful Master, Senior & Junior Wardens, should inform the Grand Lodge and solicit their approbation. An answer will oblige our Brethren.

Robert McPherson, W. Master

Petition to Grand Lodge

The Most Worshipful Grand Master, Wardens and Brethren of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York.

The Petition of the Undersigned respectfully sheweth, That your petitioners are members of the same fraternity and in behalf of the Lodge over which we are placed, would suggest, that we as a Lodge are endebted to the Grand Lodge, and owing to the un settled state of the Grand Lodge, and some embarrassments under which we have been placed, have not made our returns as regularly as could be wished.

We have a sum of money amounting to Seventy or Eighty Dollars that is thus situated, and we beg leave to add that this sum has accrued and become due to the Grand Lodge from this Lodge by having in the time of the late war a number of officers as members of this Lodge for whose dues this Lodge became accountable to the Grand Lodge, and who were dispersed, and left this Lodge in debt.

We therefore would ask that this sum may be given to this Lodge first because we are destitute of a suitable place for our communications to be held and no other place than a room in a tavern for our Lodge to sit, where our furniture and implements are constantly exposed, and we have suffered some losses by this means, and secondly that a fair opportunity is now offered us of having a hall fitted for our convenience in a stone building where we shall be secure, and if the Grand Lodge see fit to remit this debt due from us, it will enable us with the help of our brethren here to finish our hall, and thirdly that we have demands against our brethren here who by their labor and by furnishing materials would both assist us and them to discharge their debts.

And we would further suggest, and respectfully represent to the Grand Lodge that we are situated in a new country, remote from the Grand Lodge, and are deprived of many of the advan tages of other Lodges situated in more populous and more wealthy places.

And for the further information and satisfaction of the Grand Lodge we beg leave to refer to our Proxy Brother William Law rence who represents this Lodge in the Grand Lodge and the bearer of this communication.

All of which is respectfully submitted to the consideration of the Grand Lodge and as in duty bound your Petitioners in behalf of the Lodge will ever pray.

Chazy May 23, 1825

(signed by the Master and Wardens)

Letter to the Grand Secretary

Chazy August 25th, 1829

W. Brother

In answer to your letter of the 22d June which I have received I would state that the proceedings of our Lodge has been regular until within about one [year) past during which time we have done but little in consequence of the very great excitement which has prevailed throughout the country although it hasn't been very great here.

The principle reason, as I believe, of our not paying dues are that we in building a new Hall got ourselves somewhat involved & have but just gotten through with paying for the same—and as to Communications not having received any from the Grand Lodge & not knowing its precise situation we have made none.

Relative to the situation of other Lodges in this region I am not particularly acquainted, therefore cannot give the required in formation.

I have no doubt Sir but that any Communication from the Grand Lodge or yourself will be received & that thankfully & hope it may be speedily. It undoubtedly has been a very great damage to this Lodge in not having received Communications oftener from the Grand Lodge, some of which by way of encouragement would be very beneficial, especially in these times.

As to the new Constitution, we have heard nothing but wish you to send it.

As to paying dues in consequence of the impoverished state of the Lodge at present I could wish that they might all be remitted if consistent, but if not we will endeavor to make them out as soon as possible.

I am fraternally

Wm. H. Brockway, W. M.

From the records of Grand Lodge we learn that the Warrant of Harmony Lodge, No. 154, was declared forfeited June 7, 1833.

While the locations of Harmony Lodge in the two communi ties are not positively known, one site in Champlain is indicated in the obituary notice of Mrs. Noadiah Moore, who died in 1878 at the age of 87: "She founded the first Sunday School in Champlain in the Masonic Hall, which was then in the second story of Deacon (David) Savage's house," on Church Street.  The rent paid was $6.25 for three months.

A list of the members of Harmony Lodge follows—probably very incomplete. Four of these became Charter Members of Champlain Lodge, No. 237: Orrin Hough, Elijah Ransom, Ichabod Fitch and Nathaniel Nichols.

Adams, Amasa                             Graves, Chandler

Aldridge, John                              Graves, Harry

Allen, Alphonso S.                        Graves, Salmon M.

Allen, George                               Gregory, Henry

Ames, Charles, Jr.

Andrews, Jacob T.                        Hicks, William

        Hill, Ira

Bailey, B.                                      Hill, William B.

Barber, William N.                        Hitchcock, Charles L.

Bateman, Simon                           Hough, Orrin

Beckwith, Ransom                        Houlton, William H.

Belding, Elihu                               Hudson, Samuel

Belding, Samuel                            Hyde, William

Bradford, David

Brockway, William H.                    Keaton, Thomas

Byington, Joel                               King, Joseph

    Kirtland, W. H.

Catton, J. C.

Commins, Jonathan                     Ladd, Benoni

Conkey, Lucius                             Ladd, Lemuel

Cooper, Ebenezer                        Lawrence, William

Cooper, Thomas                          Lockwood, Ezekiel

Corbet, Daniel                              Luther, Caleb

Denio, Henry                               McPherson, Robert

Dennison, James                          Manning, David

Douglass, David                           March, Ephraim

Douglass, Jonathan                      Merriman, George

Douglass, Nathaniel                      Merritt, Nehimiah

Edgerton, Bela                             Minkler, Chilion

 Moore, Chauncey G.

Eldridge, John T.

Fitch, Ichabod                              Nichols, Nathaniel

Fitch, Jabez, Jr.                             Odell, Joseph

Ford, Abel                                   Odell, Joseph T.

Frost, David                                 Odell, Oliver

Pike, Ezra

Ransom, Amos Ransom, Elijah Ransom, Hubbel Ransom, Luther N.

Samson, Lester Sax, Matthew Scott, Alexander Seeger, Jeronomos Shedden, John Sherman, Ebenezer Smith, Elihu

Thomas, Leonard Thurber, Ezra Tobias, Ceneka

Vaughan, Simeon Vaughan, William

Wallis, William Warner, Seth Wells, Joel Williams, William Wilson, Henry Wood, Solomon




Champlain Lodge, No. 237

History of One Hundred Years



On July 7, 1851, a group of Master Masons met for the purpose of organizing a Lodge in the Village of Champlain, New York. On December 27th of the same year appeared representatives of Grand Lodge, formally instituting Champlain Lodge, and install ing its officers.

The steps which led to this organization may be traced through the Minutes of these first meetings, prefaced by the Petition to the Grand Lodge. They are here printed in full, except for minor repetitions, as they cover one of the most important periods of our century of existence.

Petition to Grand Lodge

To the Grand Master and Wardens of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York.

The undersigned petitioners to the Grand Lodge would represent:

That we are regular Master Masons, and are at present or have been members of regular & Lawful Lodges; That having the prosperity of the fraternity at heart, We are willing to exert our best endeavours to promote and diffuse the principles of Masonry, That for the convenience of our respective dwellings or other good reasons, we have agreed to form a new Lodge, to be named the Champlain Lodge, to be located in the Village of Cham plain, and have nominated and do recommend

D. S. Holcomb, to be the first Master

Orrin Hough, to be the first Senior Warden

Daniel Newell, to be the first Junior Warden

That in consequence of this resolution we pray for a dispensa tion, or a warrant of Constitution, to empower [us to meet as] a regular lodge on the [blank] Wednesday of every month and there to discharge the duties of Masonry in a regular and Con stitutional manner, according to the original forms of the order, and the laws of the Grand Lodge; That the prayer of the Petitioner being granted, we promise a strict conformity to all the regulations and rules of the Grand Lodge.

Dated Champlain Clinton Co. N. Y. July 9th, 1851

Andrew J. Woodworth                       George Price

D. T. Taylor                                      Stephen Cole

D. A. Collamer                                  Hiram Carter

Orrin Hough                                     J. Hungerford

Nathaniel Nichols                              B. C. Webster

Isaac Stone                                       Epaphras Ransom

Lemuel Clark                                    Jabez Fitch

D. S. Holcomb                                  Julius C. Fitch

Edward Springer                               Ichabod Fitch

Elijah Ransom                                   Daniel Newell

R. R. Rood

Minutes of Champlain Lodge

At a meeting of Master Masons held at the Village of Champlain in the County of Clinton in the State of New York on the 9th day of July 1851, for the purpose of Organizing a Masonic Lodge, to be called the Champlain Lodge.

It was moved and Seconded that Bro. Holcomb be appointed Chairman of this meeting. Carried.

Moved and seconded. That Bro. Hungerford be appointed Sec retary of this meeting.

The Object of the meeting was then briefly stated by the Chair man, and the meeting then proceeded to the Transaction of busi ness.

The following brethren were then unanimously elected Officers of the Lodge

Bro. D. S. Holcomb, Master

Bro. Orrin Hough, Senr. Warden

Bro. Daniel Newell, Junr. Warden

Bro. J. Hungerford, Secretary

Bro. E. Ransom, Treasurer

Bro. A. J. Woodworth, Senr. Deacon

Bro. Julius C. Fitch, Junr. Deacon

Bro. H. Carter, Tyler

Moved and Seconded — That the Master, Senr and Junr Wardens be a Committee on By-Laws. Carried.

Moved and Seconded—That Bros. Nathaniel Nichols, E. Ran som and H. Carter be appointed a furnishing Committee.

A Subscription was then taken up for the purpose of defraying the expense of a Charter, when the following sums set opposite the respective names of the brethren whose names appear here unto subscribed were given:

Nathaniel Nichols .............................................................................. $ .50

D. S. Holcomb.................................................................................... 3.00

B. Tylee ...............................................................................................  2.00

D.    Newell .........................................................................................  1.00

H. Carter .............................................................................................  2.00

J. Fitch .................................................................................................  1.00

E.     Ransom ........................................................................................  4.00

J. Hungerford .....................................................................................  1.00

A. J. Woodworth .................................................................................  .50

Samuel Hale  ......................................................................................... .50

Levi Rhodes  ......................................................................................... .25

A. Moses  ............................................................................................... .50

O. Hough .............................................................................................  .75

E. Norton  ............................................................................................. .25

M. Vandervort ....................................................................................  1.00


Moved and carried that this meeting adjourn. Carried.

Minutes of Champlain Lodge

At a regular Communication of Champlain Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons No. 237 held at the Masonic Hall in the Village of Champlain on Wednesday the first day of October 1851.

The Lodge was opened in due and ancient form.

The Minutes of the previous meeting also the Charter were read by the Secretary.

The Lodge then took into consideration the subject of the in stallation of its Officers.

Minutes of Champlain Lodge

At a Special Communication of the Champlain Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons No. 237. Held at the Masonic Hall in the Village of Champlain on the 5th day of November 1851.

Present. D. S. Holcomb, W.M.; Orrin Hough, S.W.; M. Van dervoort (a) J. W.; Bros. A. Moses (a), Treasurer; J. Hunger-ford, Secretary; H. Carter, Tyler.

The Lodge opened in due and ancient form.

Petitions presented from J. V. B. Hoyle, J. M. Bagley, A. Alli son and R. Cushing with the accompanying fee of $3.00 each.

Minutes of Champlain Lodge

At a Meeting of the Champlain Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons, No. 237, held at the Masonic Hall in the Village of Cham plain on the 3rd day of December 1851.

The Lodge was opened in due and ancient form. Minutes of the previous Meeting read and Approved.

The Lodge then proceeded to elect the Officers for the ensuing year.

Bro. D. S. Holcomb, W. M.

Bro. O. Hough, S. W.

Bro. D. Newell, J. W.

Bro. J. Hungerford, S.

Bro. E. Ransom, T.

Bro. A. J. Woodworth, S. D.

Bro.______ Norton, J. D.

Bro.______ Carter, Tyler

Bro. Richard Johnson, S.W.


The several committees reported favorably on the petitions of J. V. B. Hoyle, J. M. Bagley, Aaron Allison and R. Cushing who were severally ballotted for & elected.

The Lodge then proceeded to initiate James M. Bagley as an entered apprentice Mason.

Minutes of Champlain Lodge

December 17th, 1851. The Lodge opened in due and ancient form.

Visiting Brethren present Bros. Mott, Webster, Baxter & Prindle.

Moved and Seconded that this Lodge hold a Communication on the 27th instant at 1 O'c P.M. for the purpose of installation. Carried.

J. V. B. Hoyle & Aaron Allison were then initiated as Entered apprentice Masons.

James A. Bagley was passed to Fellow-Craft Mason.

Minutes of Champlain Lodge

At a Meeting of Champlain Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons,

No. 237, held at the Masonic Hall in the Village of Champlain.

The Lodge opened in due and ancient form.

Visiting Brethren present, Bros. Baxter & Prindle.

D. D. G. Skinner & representatives of the Grand Lodge ap peared & proceeded to institute the Lodge & install

Bro. D. S. Holcomb, W. M. Moses Baxter as a substitute for Orrin Hough, S. W.

_____ Newell, J. W.
J. Hungerford, Secy.

_____ Ransom, Treasurer

_____ Vandervort as Substitute for

A. J. Woodworth, S. D.

W. Prindle as Substitute for ______  J. D.

& Hiram Carter, Tyler

The Minutes were then read & approved. The Lodge was then closed in due form.

Charter Members, from First Return to Grand Lodge,
June 1, 1852,







D.  S. Holcomb


Inn Keeper




O. Hough






Daniel Newell


Inn Keeper



St. Andrews

Elijah Ransom






J. FIungerford




Rouses Pt.

Provost, CE

A. J. Woodworth






E.   Norton





North Star

M. Vandervoort






H. Carter






A.   Moses






Levi Rhodes






B.   C. Webster


Inn Keeper


Rouses Pt.


Isaac Stone






Benjamin Tylee





Apollo, Ct.

J. C. Fitch





Ottawa, Ill.

Ichabod Fitch






Nath'l Nichols







The place where the Lodge held its first meetings is not definitely known—perhaps in the Champlain House, of which the W.M., Diadorus S. Holcomb, was proprietor. However, on September 5, 1855, it was voted that the "present hall be given up on December 1st, and that the Lodge be moved" to the third floor of the new Allason Block—now the east half of the American Hotel. The rent was $36 per year, later raised to $50.

In 1882, the Lodge removed to new rooms on the third floor of the Doolittle Block—now owned by Bro. Kenneth C. Kaufman. The rent was $40 per year. Three years later, the Lodge room was enlarged, and space for dining room and kitchen added. Running water was introduced in 1898.

A committee appointed to secure permanent quarters reported on July 18, 1923, that the property known as Champlain Hall could be purchased for $4,750.00 from the Estate of Ellen R. Nye. This purchase was quickly consummated, and after extensive re modelling the first Communication in our present Lodge Room was held on February 20, 1924.

In June of 1951, the Lodge voted to buy the adjacent building from the Feryall Estate, with the object of eventually expanding its present quarters.

During our first years, the hour of meeting varied, from two or two-thirty in the afternoon, to six o'clock. Many changes also took place in the day of meeting, although Wednesday seems usually to have been favored. For a few months in 1864, the Lodge met on the "first Wednesday preceding the full of the moon."


Immediately following the election of officers at the first com munication of the Lodge, a Committee on By-Laws was chosen. In March, 1853, it was voted that Brother David Turner, publisher of the Rouses Point Advertiser, print 100 copies. The price was to be $8.00 and they were "to be bound in morocco & gilt edges." A copy of this pamphlet, bound in yellow paper covers, is in the archives of the Lodge. It was presented in 1930 by Mrs. Robert Hoyle. It is dated Nov. 5, A.L. 5851.

These first By-Laws provide that "in ballotting for a candidate, the member casting the black ball after the second ballot may give his reasons." Also that "all visiting Brethren will be charged twelve and a half cents per visit after the third visit, unless he be a member of some Lodge where he resides."

The first revision of the By-Laws was printed in 1866 by Syl vester Howard, publisher of the Champlain Journal. The cost was $15.00 for 200 copies, bound in blue paper covers.

Thirty years later, in 1896, appeared the second revision, of which J. W. Tuttle & Co., of Plattsburg, printed 500 copies at a cost of about $10.00.

In 1921 the third revision appeared, printed at the Moorsfield Press. It was stitched in brown covers and consisted of 15 pages. Its increased size is accounted for by the inclusion of the Lodge officers for 1920, together with a list of Past Masters and a com plete roster of the 135 members.

The By-Laws were completely revised in 1946.


The amount of the Initiation Fees and the Annual Dues have, naturally enough, changed with the passing years. These changes —mainly upwards—are shown in the following tables, together with the effective dates.

Initiation Fee                               Annual Dues

1851 ...............


1851 ..................................


1865 ...............


1872 ..................................


1875 ...............


1875 ..................................


1920 ...............


1881 ..................................


1930 ...............


1907 ..................................


1941 ...............


1915 ..................................


1949 ...............


1935 ..................................



At the end of this History will be found a complete roster of the officers of Champlain Lodge from its founding to the present day.

It will be noted that certain officers were not named during the first years. The Masters of Ceremony (called Stewards until 1863) came into being in 1854. In 1863 both Masters of Ceremony and Stewards were appointed, the latter for that year being Henry A. Miner and George A. French.

1854 also saw the introduction of the Marshal, his title at times being entered in the minutes as Master of Ceremonies or Grand Marshal.

The first Chaplain was appointed in 1870. Although often a lay Brother of the Lodge, it seems that whenever possible the Chaplain was a clergyman. Two of them served for many years, although not members of this Lodge: Rev. George C. Pennell and Rev. Daniel E. Hattie.

From 1867 until 1938 an Organist was annually appointed, hut from available information it would seem that this office was quite honorary, as few of the Brethren so named could play either organ or piano.

In 1869 Champlain Lodge was incorporated under the Laws of the State of New York. William Graham, Horatio F. Knapp, and Jeremiah Shaw were the first Trustees.

A Lodge Historian was twice appointed: Diadorus S. Holcomb in 1862, and Emerson I. Lord in 1887. The same year saw Thomas H. Dickinson appointed a "Committee on Antiquities."

Death has claimed only one senior officer while in office. John T. Stewart died September 18, 1898, during his term as Master.


During the first seventy-five years, Champlain Lodge was only once honored by having a District Deputy Grand Master chosen from its members. In 1884, Emerson I. Lord was appointed to that office, serving the Brethren of St. Lawrence, Franklin, and Clinton Counties for two terms.

It should be noted in passing that our Masonic District in 1851 consisted of the eight counties of St. Lawrence, Jefferson, Hamil ton, Fulton, Franklin, Lewis, Essex and Clinton.

The last quarter century has seen three D.D.G.M.'s appointed from our Lodge: Hugh McLellan (1926 and 1927) and Orville R. Dunn (1934), representing the Clinton-Essex District; and James W. Codding (1942 and 1943) for the present Clinton District.

As a forerunner to the office of Assistant Grand Lecturer, in 1860 the Lodge "voted to pay $1.50 per day & his expenses to J. H. Wagner to attend Lecturer's Convention at Plattsburg & for this he is to dispense the lectures to the members of the Lodge when required."

Since the establishment of the office of A.G.L., the following members have served in that capacity:

Hugh McLellan               James W. Codding

Orville R. Dunn              Charles W. McLellan

Clarence A. Scriver         Robert S. Halstead

Winfred P. Truesdell       Harold W. Maynard

For many years Bro. Orville R. Dunn served as a member of the Grand Lodge Board of General Activities.


The Minutes reveal many interesting details regarding the acquisi tion of the Lodge furnishings. Among the more important may be mentioned the following:

Lodge Charter framed in 1852.

"Voted that Mr. Vandervoort's bill for Chest, Gauge and Mallets for $4.50 be paid when there is money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated." 1852.

Ballot Box, presented by a sojourner, Bro. P. J. Goodrich, in 1855.

Marbles on pedestals, made by Bro. William Bell for $12, being part of his initiation fee. 1859.

Melodeon purchased in 1863 for $67.75.

Pillars, made by Bro. Pasha, "same as in Lake Lodge, for $5 less than those cost." 1863.

Portrait of Washington, in gilt frame, purchased in 1865 for $15.

Regalia, Jewels and Collars for twelve officers purchased for $110. 1868.

Low Twelve Bell purchased in 1868 for $14.

Framed photograph of P. M. John R. Lafountain, presented by Bro. Gilbert in 1872.

A dozen and a half chairs purchased for $76, and 'Warden's Chairs for $36.30. 1891.

Small marble-top table (Chaplain's Table) bought for $5.25 from Bro. Deal in 1892.

"Voted that one dozen Cuspidors be purchased for the benefit of the Brethren." 1895.

In 1895, "Raised $40 for carpet, and hope Rouses Point will contribute as liberally as Champlain." Cost $86.01.

Rough and Perfect Ashlars presented by Bro. Joseph Rushlow, in 1896.

The piano was included in the purchase of our present building, in 1923.

Framed photographs of the Lodge officers for the year 1872, presented by Bro. Boardman in behalf of the officers.

Gavel, won at the Plattsburg Masonic Fair in 1893, inscribed: "The Head of this Gavel is Oak of the Royal Savage, Sunk in Battle of Valcour, October 11, 1776. In the Handle is a piece of the Historic Charter Oak. The Case was a panel of a Door in Libby Prison. Made by J. D. Wilkinson."


Masonry teaches the practice of charity, and the Lodge records show frequent applications of this virtue. During the years, how ever, the character of the donations for charitable purposes has shifted largely from local and personal cases, to those great charitable efforts which function in modern times.

The early records cover such items as donations to Brothers who have sustained loss by fire, the payment of funeral expenses, relief to needy Masons and their families, and similar calls for as sistance. In 1858 it was resolved that $50 be placed at the disposal of a committee "for distribution to the worthy needy poor of this vicinity."

In later years, although donations to individual Masons oc casionally appear, the distribution of charity has flowed mainly into institutional channels, such as the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Boy Scouts, and March of Dimes; through Grand Lodge, by the increase of fees on Initiates, from $1 to $23.75; and by contribu tions to the Victory Chest and Brotherhood Fund.

An analysis of our contributions over the century reveal that our charitable enterprizes, although often hidden, have made a record of which we may be proud.


Although four wars involving the United States occurred during our century of existence, and many of our Brethren participated actively in them, references to military affairs are meager.

Bro. Charles B. Melius is listed in the 1864 Return as "killed at the Battle of Petersburgh, Aug. 20, 1864." And in the Minutes of March 4, 1868, it was "Moved that the Memorials of our Lamented Bro. John T. Myers, who laid down his life while in the service of his country," be deposited in the archives of the Lodge.

The excitement created on the northern frontier by the St. Albans Raid in 1864 is reflected in a resolution late that year "to pay the Committee of Safety $5 towards sustaining the Guard."

And we find that Bro. James Duffy "was killed by accident while firing a cannon made by himself at the Foundry, in which he worked, on June 30, 1863, in honor of a Union victory."

During the First World War, three candidates received all their degrees in one day: Arthur R. Atwood, Orville R. Dunn, and Clarence A. Scriver. It is noteworthy that they subsequently be came Masters of the Lodge.

Members were active in every theatre during World War II, and Champlain Lodge honors the memory of Bro. Robert Wallace who made the supreme sacrifice.


The institution of the Fifty-Year Service Medal in 1934 by the Grand Lodge has provided a most happy method of honoring the older members of the Fraternity who have "borne the heat and burden of the day."

Eight members of Champlain Lodge have been awarded these medals:

George B. Hoag                                William M. Lighthall

John A. True                                     Harrison A. Palmer

John Bugor                                        William J. McCrea

Cyrus R. Bristol                                Julius Rosemyer

Brothers Hoag, True and Bristol were also awarded the Service Palm, representing ten additional years of service to the Craft.


The first Return to Grand Lodge, in 1852, showed a membership of twenty-nine. The next available Return, for 1861, showed thirty-nine. It seems probable that this relatively small increase was due to the creation of Lake Lodge at Rouses Point, in 1857.

The Lodge grew steadily, and in 1867 reached a total of ninety-three members. During the 70's and 80's a gradual but steady decrease occurred, twice reaching a low of thirty-three, in 1883 and 1889. The figures again rose, with occasional fluctuations, until the depression during the 30's. The membership passed the hundred mark in 1909. It reached a new high of 188 in 1934, but by 1941 had dropped to 137.

Starting with the recent war years, the growth has again been steady—our Return in 1950 showed a total membership of 192.

LAKE LODGE, NO. 424, F. & A.M.

At the communication of Champlain Lodge of January 7, 1857, Bro. Benjamin Russell presented a petition for granting a recom mendation that a new Lodge "called Montgomery Lodge" be formed at Rouses Point. This petition was regularly voted upon and carried, resulting in the granting of a charter to Lake Lodge, No. 424, on February 20, 1857. The officers were installed on June 2nd of the same year. The Charter Members were:

Benjamin Russell Robert H. Powell John Taylor Benjamin C. Webster J. G. McCormick John C. Biglow Orrin Hough

James G. Haslup

Joseph Sweeney John T. Hammond George W. Atkins Phineas R. Wales Isaac Fadden

J. R. Armes

John Phillips Abraham Klohs

The membership in 1862 was reported as thirty-three.

The only further references to Lake Lodge found in the Minutes of our Lodge is one indicating its existence in 1863, and a passing mention in 1866 to the "late Lake Lodge."


An inevitable result of the inauguration of the new Lodge rooms was the formation of a Masonic Club. Early in 1924, By-Laws were adopted with the approval of the Lodge, officers elected, and billiard, pool, and card tables secured.

For nearly two decades, this Club was the center of Masonic recreation, with monthly spreads and annual tournaments. The defeated players gave the winners elaborate banquets, each side attempting to outdo the other in novelty.


At a banquet, winners appeared in special evening clothes and top hats, each leading a dog on a leash. The animosity of the dogs created something of a rumpus at the banquet table, and eventually caused them to be expelled.


Other banquets featured unrehearsed speeches on impossible subjects and presentations intended rather to embarrass than to flatter the recipient; the old-timers will recall with glee the apron presentation to Bro. Truesdell and the "address" entirely in French by Bro. Hugh McLellan. The printed programs and the notices for the meetings are still remembered as minor works of editorial and typographical art.

An unrehearsed mock-trial which aroused much interest was "Foster Strickland vs. Oscar Bredenberg, the Champlain Masonic Club, et al." The opposing attorneys were A. T. Phillips for the defense and Arthur Atwood for the plaintiff. Porter Truesdell acted as court stenographer. William Hogge and George Allen, as experts, testified on the medical aspects of the case, which was based on the alleged injury to the plaintiff when struck on the head by a large pitcher in the hands of a waiter (Oscar Bredenberg) employed by the Club. The jury, after deliberation, re quested Judge Warren Smith's permission to examine the elabor ately bandaged scalp of the plaintiff; no evidence of injury being found, the jury brought in a verdict for the defendant.


Masonry is primarily a fraternal organization. While the preceding text is essential to the history of the Lodge, the complete picture cannot be drawn if we omit those activities which bind us in our fellowship, not only in the Lodge but with other Lodges and other Masons.

The following extracts from the Minutes are arranged chrono logically.

1852. Visit to Dorchester Lodge, at St. Johns, by a delegation from this Lodge.

Out of respect for the late Bro. Henry Clay, Lodge in mourn ing for ninety days.

1853. Masonic funeral for Bro. Aaron Allason, who met his death near Altona (for years called Aaronsburgh in his honor), while a conductor on the Northern Railroad.

1854. Voted to celebrate St. John's Day at Rouses Point, with a dinner. Motion rescinded at next meeting, and "an oyster supper with Bro. Carter at his saloon" was substituted.

1856. Lodge rooms rented to the Independent Order of Recha bites for $1 per evening.

1857. Voted that the remaining property of the Rechabites be taken for rent due.

1860. Recommended that a Lodge be located at West Chazy.

1863. The Lodge granted the use of its rooms for the marriage of the S.W., Francis Gooley; ceremony performed by the W.M., Charles E. Everest.

1864. Robert Morris, Past Grand Master of Kentucky, visited the Lodge.

The three Lamountain brothers—Abel, Adolph and Edmund—raised at the same time.

1865. Voted that the labor of writing up the books of the Lodge by Bro. Hitchcock as ordered, was worth $10.

1867. Oyster supper tendered members of Lacolle Lodge.

The Secretary, F. L. Channell, offered to donate his salary for the year towards purchasing curtains for the Lodge.

1869. Three pillars not in use by the Lodge loaned to Adiron dack Chapter, No. 234, at Rouses Point.

1870. Recommended a petition for a new Lodge at Centerville (Mooers Forks).

1874. Subscriptions taken in Lodge in aid of the building of the new Champlain Methodist Church.

1882. First Communication in the Doolittle Block, on July 5th; Bro. Thomas H. Dickinson raised.

1883. Masonic funeral of Bro. John Van Beuren Hoyle, the first candidate raised in the Lodge.

1889. Lodge accepted an invitation to attend the institution of a new Lodge at Hemmingford.

1892. Bro. H. F. Gaines delegated to attend Dedication of the Home at Utica; expenses not over $10 to be paid by Lodge.

1898. Fifty visitors attended the installation of the Lodge offi cers, which was preceded by refreshment at the Good Templars Hall.

District Convention held in Champlain.

1900. Electric lights installed in the Lodge, at a cost of $37.

1901. The Lodge in mourning for the death of President William McKinley.

1902. Voted to give the Eastern Stars, now forming, the use of the Lodge rooms for one year, including light and fuel.

1907. Masonic Fair held in Champlain for two days, netting the Lodge $944.61. (This money was put into a Building Fund, and was not used until 1923.)

1916. Bro. Foster M. Strickland served his first year as Lodge Treasurer.

1920. Safe presented to the Lodge by Mrs. Bartlett Nye; cost.$9 to move it.

A "George Washington Night" held in November.

1921. District Convention held in Champlain; Horace W. Smith, Grand Lecturer.

1924. On February 6th, the last Communication was held in the old rooms in the Doolittle Block.


A new era was inaugurated when the Lodge, having purchased the Champlain Hall property, moved into its new home. But before the alterations were commenced, Masons and their families were invited to an informal party reminiscent of the many social gatherings held in Champlain Hall in years past. This party, held on November 15, 1923, was attended by 120 guests.

1924. Hugh McLellan, Master. First meeting held in new building on February 20th; Victor Bredenberg raised.

Recommends the petition for a new Lodge at Chazy. In June, the officers of Chazy Lodge exemplify the three degrees in our rooms, to obtain a Certificate of Proficiency.

On the occasion of the raising of John Crook, James Burroughs and Peter Vosburgh, a banquet was held in Canada Hall. Later in the year, Masonic Church Services were held in the Episcopal Church, Bro. Phillips, Pastor.

Masonic Shield was given by Mr. Victor Bredenberg and Mr. Sprague Pettes, for the Club Rooms.

1925. Arthur R. Atwood, Master. First committee on an elec tric sign for the building: W. W. Gettys, Hugh McLellan and V. E. Bredenberg.

1926. Arthur R. Atwood, Master. Voted that the Great Light be presented to each candidate. First presentations to Arnold McCrea, George Soboleski and Clarke Washburn.

First subscriptions to The Masonic Outlook taken.

1927. Ernest N. Eldred, Master. On the occasion of the raising of Nelson E. Patnode, Charles T. White, Harry S. Woodward, Henderson Penfield and George Penfield, a banquet was held in the Presbyterian Church, with 151 present.

1928. Irvin E. Robinson, Master. New committee on the electric sign appointed, due to inactivity of first committee.

Masonic Apron of the First Master Mason raised in Champlain Lodge (John Van Beuren Hoyle) presented by Mrs. Robert Hoyle.

1929. Clarence A. Striver, Master. The Letter G in the East designed and made by Hugh McLellan and Victor Bredenberg. Funeral of Bro. Elmer Deal held in Lodge rooms.

1930. Winfred P. Truesdell, Master. On the occasion of the raising of Fred Porter, Thomas Nicholson, G. Allison Dole and Martin Kutner, a banquet was held in the Lodge rooms, with nearly a hundred present, including thirty-four visitors.

1931. Orville R. Dunn, Master. The funeral of Bro. Henry M. Bertrand held in the Lodge rooms.

Masonic Church Services held in the Presbyterian Church, in Champlain.

1932. Victor E. Bredenberg, Master. A delegation visited Coeur Unis Lodge in Montreal.

Bro. Truesdell gave an illustrated talk on George Washington.

1933. Oscar E. Bredenberg, Master. First District Masonic Picnic held at Pointe au Roche.

Much discussion over the presentation of Past Masters' Aprons.

1934. Stanley E. Averill, Master. Ventilator in the kitchen in stalled.

The Bridge Tournament between Plattsburg and Champlain resulted in a decisive victory for Champlain.

1935. C. A. Arnold McCrea, Master. Masonic Picnic held at Camp Roosevelt, on Pointe au Roche.

The Sign Committee reported progress.

A delegation from Victory Lodge, in Montreal, visited the Lodge.

1936. James W. Codding, Master. A "Sojourners' Night" was held in February.

Victory Lodge, of Montreal, exemplified the First Degree ac cording to the Quebec Rite. On a return visit by Champlain Lodge, the Third Degree was exemplified in accordance with the New York ritual.

1937. Charles W. McLellan, Master. A "Government Services Night" program was held early in the year.

At our celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Provincial Grand Lodge of New York, Victory Lodge and St. George's Lodge, of Montreal, visited us. Return visits were made later in the year.

The Lodge inaugurated the custom of presenting The Masonic Outlook annually to the Master, Wardens and Deacons.

1938. Thomas Nicholson, Master. Of particular interest this year was the final payment on our building indebtedness. No special celebration was made of the event, but Bro. Strickland reviewed the history of the transaction.

Other events during the year were the adoption of our first budget; a visit from Lakeshore Lodge, of Montreal, and a visit to Victory Lodge; and the celebration of the Sesquicentennial of the

United States Constitution, with Bro. Alfred Diebold as guest speaker.

1939. Robert Heron, Master. At a "George Washington Night" Bro. John Riley, of Plattsburg, spoke on Washington and the Foundations of the United States. This was preceded by an in teresting exemplification of the initiation of Washington, Bro. Bruce Stewart portraying the candidate. Later in the year, movies on "Masons in the Revolution" were presented.

A new Sign Committee was appointed, consisting of Hugh McLellan, James Codding and Elmer Bullis.

1940. Charles T. White, Master. Bro. Elmer Bullis exhibited the finished Sign for the front of our building.

At a "Veterans' Night" sixteen veterans of former wars re sponded to the roll-call. Bro. Wilson E. Grant spoke on his visit to Vimy Ridge, and of his experiences as a member of the Cana dian Army during the First World War.

Other programs included a Masonic "Information, Please" program, with past D.D.G.M.'s attempting to answer the questions of the Brethren; and an address by Bro. John R. Riley on "Ma sonry's Relation to the Present State of the World."

1941. Harold R. Moore, Master. This year saw a departure of several members for service in the Armed Forces. The Lodge voted to remit the annual dues of all members called.

In February, Bro. Riley gave an address on George Washington and on the text "All Out for America."

1942. Robert S. Halstead, Master. For the second time in our history, three brothers joined the Lodge at the same time: Allan, Harold and William Maynard.

Special meetings included a Masonic quiz by John A. Harrison, and a most illuminating talk on the "Morgan Episode" by Franklin R. Forbes.

Christmas boxes were sent to Brethren in the Armed Forces.

1943. Franklin R. Forbes, Master. A special program celebrated the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Masonic Home at Utica.

Gravestones of John R. Lafountain and of Abel Ford, former members of the Lodge, were repaired by Harold Maynard.

The Masonic War Chest and other war-imposed activities were energetically pursued.

1944. Orville R. Dunn, Master. Eleven members of this Lodge attended the outdoors communication on Owl's Head Mountain in Canada.

1945. Robert S. Halstead; Master. The altar of the Lodge was draped in mourning in memory of President Franklin D. Roose velt.

A Masonic picnic was held at Bro. Hamilton McCrea's camp.

On September 19th, Bro. Ernest Dawson, from Lacolle, offered prayer upon the end of hostilities. He also spoke on "Masonic Freedom and the Four Freedoms."

St. Lawrence Lodge, of Montreal, paid us a fraternal visit, and exemplified the First Degree.

1946. Donald R. Hogle, Master. Degree work completely filled our Trestle Board throughout the year.

In August was held the Masonic picnic at Bro. McCrea's camp, and in October we received a delegation from St. George's Lodge of Montreal.

1947. David A. Brothers, Master. A quiz on Masonic Symbols, and movies on the Masonic Home, were among the programs held during the year. In June we received a delegation from vari ous Montreal Lodges.

1948. Harold W. Maynard, Master. A card party, sponsored by the Masonic Club, helped swell our Brotherhood Fund contri bution.

A delegation of about seventy-five paid a fraternal visit to St. Lawrence Lodge in Montreal.

1949. Raymond V. Walsh, Master. Extensive repairs on our building were carried out by the Custodian, Bro. Strickland.

Moving pictures, with the Masonic picnic along with a talk on the pilgrim age to the Masonic Home by Mr. David Brothers, who featured special programs throughout the year.

1950. Maynard R. Vance, Master. In August, by special dis pensation, Bro. Richard Compton was raised, at the request of his Lodge in Houston, Texas.

Through the efforts of Harold Maynard and the Wright broth ers, a basketball game at Rouses Point helped us in filling our Brotherhood Fund quota.

Bro. Ralph Tieje, Past Grand Master of Washington and Alaska, presented a fine address on "Masonry in Alaska."

A large delegation from Victory Lodge, and a Masonic quiz, were among the year's programs.

1951. James L. Morgan, Master. Foster Strickland commenced his thirty-sixth consecutive term as Lodge Treasurer, and Hugh McLellan his twentieth as Secretary.

A large delegation visited Victory Lodge in Montreal on Memorial Day.

Special programs during the Spring months included several showings of movies; and talks on George Washington, by Bro. Henrichs; on Masonry in Germany and Denmark, by Bro. Grib ble; on the history of The Sheridan Iron Works, by Bro. Oscar Bredenberg; and on the Morgan Episode, by Bro. Forbes.



Year      Master

Sen. Warden

Jun. Warden

Sen. Deacon

Jun. Deacon



1851 Diadorus S. Holcomb....................

Orrin Hough........

Daniel Newell......

A. J. Woodworth..

Julius C. Fitch.......

Hiram Carter


1852 Diadorua S. Holcomb....................

Orrin Hough........

Daniel Newell......

A. J. Woodworth..

E. Norton.............

Hiram Carter


1853 Diadorus S. Holcomb....................

Hiram Carter......

Benjamin Russell..

Seth Farnsworth..

Titus Perry............

M. Vandervoort


1854 Diadorus S. Holcomb....................

Benjamin Russell.

John H. Phinney...

Orrin Hough.......

Halstead J. Harden.

Hiram Carter


1855 Diadorus S. Holcomb....................

Rufus Heaton......

John V. B. Hoyle..

John Hungerford..

Halstead J. Harden.

Hiram Carter


1856 Diadorus S. Holcomb....................

11. D. Hitchcock..

Henry K. Allason...

Benjamin Russell.

William H. Gray.....

Halstead J. Harden


1857 Hiram Carter........

William H. Gray..

John Taylor.........

Halstead J. Harden..............

Arthur Bachant......

J. S. Billings


1858 George A. French..

Samuel M. Moore.

John V. B. Hoyle..

Charles E. Everest

William S. Daggett.

Hiram Carter


1859 Samuel M. Moore..

William S. Daggett.............

Henry A. Miner.....

John H. Wagner..

Albert Ladue.........

Hiram Carter


1860 Diadorua S. Holcomb....................

Charles E. Everest

John II. Wagner....

Samuel M. Moore.

James B. Dodds.....

George H. Wagner


1861 Charles E. Everest.

John H. Wagner...

Samuel M. Moore..

Lucius P. Moulton.

John R. Lafountain.

John V. B. Hoyle


1862 Samuel M. Moore..

John C. Biglow....

Francis Gooley.....

John R. Lafountain.........

George L. Burdick..

John V. B. Hoyle


1863 Charles E. Everest.

Francis Gooley....

James B. Dodds...

Michael Dowling..

Stephen Hammond.

James Heffernan


1864 Charles E. Everest.

John C. Biglow....

John H. Phinney...

John T. Niles......

George W. Lord.....

Henry A. Miner


1865 Charles E. Everest.

Michael Dowling...

John R. Lafountain

John C. Biglow....

Edward Hamilton....

Thomas Ness


1868 Charles E. Everest.

John R. Lafountain

John W. Winters...

John C. Biglow....

Edward Hamilton....

W. C. Churchill


1867 Charles E. Everest.

John R. Lafountain

John C. Biglow.....

Emerson I. Lord..

Sherman Welden....

Adolph Lamountain


1868 Charles E. Everest.

John C. Biglow....

C. H. Dickinson....

Emerson I. Lord..

Jeremiah Shaw......

Adolph Lamountain


1809 Charles E. Everest.

Emerson I. Lord...

Frank L. Channell..

Augustus Lippitt..

Jeremiah Shaw......

Stephen Hammond


1870 Charles E. Everest.

Augustus Lippitt...

James E. Winters..

Robert Wilson.....

Edward Hamilton....

Stephen Hammond


1871 John R. Lafountain

Emerson I. Lord...

M. L. Fitch..........

John F. Gilbert....

George Courtenay..

Stephen Hammond


1872 Emerson I. Lord....

Frank L. Channell.

Pliny F. Dunning...

A. N. Merchant....

Edward Hamilton....

George Cookman


1873 Emerson I. Lord....

Pliny F. Dunning..

Edward Hamilton..

Ransom W. Graves..............

Rafile Lafountain....

George Cookman


1874 Pliny F. Dunning...

John C. Biglow....

George C. Kaufman.............

Rafile Lafountain.

William A. Blow.....

George Cookman


1875 Pliny F. Dunning...

George C. Kaufman............

Ransom W. Graves

John R. Lafountain.........

William A. Blow.....

George Cookman


1876 Emerson I. Lord....

George C. Kaufman............

Ransom W. Graves

Robert W. Smith.

Louis Brassard.......

George Cookman


1877 George C. Kaufman

Ransom W. Graves..............

Henry H. Knapp....

H. C. Breckenridge......

Louis Brassard.......

George Cookman


1878 George C. Kaufman

Ransom W. Graves..............

Louis Brassard......

Samuel Carto.....

Charles S. Bosworth

George Cookman


1879 John C. Biglow.....

Louis Brassard.....

     William A. Blow...

Bartlett Nye.....

Emerson I. Lord.....

George Cookman


1880 Emerson I. Lord....

Louis Brassard.....

Frank L. Channell..

Bartlett Nye.......

John C. Biglow......

George Cookman


1881 Charles E. Everest.

Bartlett Nye.......

Frank L. Channell..

John C. Biglow....

John R. Lafountain.

George Cookman


1882 Charles E. Everest.

Bartlett Nye.......

John R. Lafountain

John C. Biglow....

Nathan L. Smith....

George Cookman


1883 Emerson I. Lord....

George C. Kaufman............

T. H. Dickinson....

John C. Biglow....

E. M. McDowell......

George Cookman


1884 Emerson I. Lord....

Bartlett Nye.......

T. H. Dickinson....

John C. Biglow....

Cleophas Yartin......

George Cookman


1885 Emerson I. Lord....

T. H. Dickinson...

George C. Kaufman.............

John C. Biglow..

Cleophas Yartin......

George Cookman


Year        S. M. C.

1. M. C.





1851 .................................




Elijah Ransom..........

John Hungerford

1852 ................................




Elijah Ransom..........

John Hungerford

1853 ................................




Artemaa Moses.........

John V. B. Hoyle

1854 E. G. Stone.................

M. Vandervoort.....

Titus Perry...............


Phineae R. Wales......

11. D. Hitchcock

185.5 E. G. Stone................

M. Vandervoort.....

Titus Perry...............


Phineaa R. Wales......

H. D. Hitchcock

1856 E. G. Stone..............

Orrin Hough..........

David Turner...........


James Knight............

Henry A. Miner

1857 Albert Leduc...........

John H. Wagner.....



H. D. Hit hcock.........

Samuel M. Moore

1858 E. G. Stone..............

John H. Wagner.....



William Allason........

H. D. Hitchcock

1859 John V. B. Hoyle.....

Pliny N. Moore......

George A. French.....


William Allason........

Diadorus S. Holcomb

1860 M. S. Burdick..........

John R. Lafountain

George A. French.....


William Allason........

Henry A. Miner

1861 Francis Cooley........

M. L. Fitch............

Horatio F. Knapp.....


Pliny F. Dunning.......

James B. Dodds

1862 W. H. Churchill.......

Horatio Fitch.........

Diadorus S. Holcomb..................


Pliny F. Dunning.......

John II. Phinney

1863 Samuel M. Moore....

Isaac A. Dodds......

George A. French.....


Pliny F. Dunning.......

John F. Gilbert

ISM Michael Dowling.......

W. H. Churchill.....

W. S. Daggett............


George H. Wagner.....

Benjamin Fitch

1865 Franklin P. Allen.....

A. Lamountain.......

Samuel M. Moore....


John H. Phinney.......

H. D. Hitchcock

1866 Michael Dowling.....

Thomas Ness........

Horatio F. Knapp.....


John H. Phinney.......

H. D. Hitchcock

1867 P. W. Statia..............

Samuel Long.........

Franklin P. Allen......


Michael Dowling.......

Frank L. Channell

1868 ................................


John W. Angell.........


Michael Dowling.......

Frank L. Channell

1869 F. L. Boardman.......

T. B. Smith............

M. L. Fitch...............


Michael Dowling.......

R. W. Smith

1870 George Courtenay....

Solomon Bullis......

Edgar W. Steele........

F. P. Allen...............

Joseph H. Wilson......

A. N. Merchant

1871 Ransom W. Graves..

H. N. Bruce...........

Charles Deal.............

Charles E. Everest..

F. L. Boardman.........

A. N. Merchant

1872 Ransom W. Graves..

Rafile Lafountain...

Charles Deal.............

George C. Pennell.

F. L. Boardman.........

Lucius W. Hayes

1873 Hubbard D. Mott.....

William A. Blow....

Charles Deal.............

George C. Pennell.

F. L. Boardman.........

 John F. Gilbert

1874 John R. Lafountain..

Edward Hamilton..

Frank L. Channel]....

George C. Pennell.

F. L. Boardman.........

Emerson I. Lord

1875 Edward Hamilton....

Nathan L. Smith....

C. H. Dickinson.........

George C. Pennell.

Charles E. Everest....

Emerson I. Lord

1876 John R. Lafountain..

George A. Oliver...

John W. Thorn.........

George C. Pennell.

William A. Blow.......

Samuel Carto

1877 Nathan L. Smith......

Elbridge W. Stone..

John W. Thorn.........

George C. Pennell.

William A. Blow.......

Charles E. Everest

1878 Solomon Bullis........

B. W. Solemn.........

M. L. Fitch...............


Charles Deal.............

Charles E. Everest

1879 John R. Lafountain..

Nathan L. Smith....

Henry W. Clark........


Charles Deal.............

Charles E. Everest

1880 E. M. McDowell......

Isaac D. Porcheron

George C. Kaufman..

John W. Thorn.....

Charles Deal.............

Chars E. Everest

1881 George W. Lord.......

Nathan L. Smith....

Louis Brassard.........

John W. Thorn.....

George C. Kaufman..

Emerson I. Lord

1882 George W. Lord.......

Charles Deal..........

George C. Kaufman..

John W. Thorn.....

Louis Brassard.........

Emerson I. Lord

1883 John V. B. Hoyle.....

A. Lamountain......

Charles Deal.............

John W. Thorn.....

Louis Brassard.........

Charles E. Everest

1884 John R. Lafountain..

Elbridge W. Stone..

Charles Deal.............

John W. Thorn.....

Louis Brassard.........

Charles E. Everest

1885 B. F. Woodward.......

John J. McCrea......

Charles Deal.............

A. Lamountain......

Louis Brassard.........

Charles E. Everest

Year     Master

Sen. Warden

Jun. Warden

Sen. Deacon

Jun. Deacon


1886 T. H. Dickinson.

John C. Biglow..

B. F. Woodward..

Emerson I. Lord

Cleophas Yartin...

George Cookman

1887 Charles E. Everest....................

B. F. Woodward

T. P. Fifield.........

Emerson I. Lord

John T. Stewart...

George Cookman

1888 Bartlett Nye......

B. F. Woodward

John T. Stewart..

Emerson I. Lord

T. H. Dickinson...

George Cookman

1889 B. F. Woodward

Ransom W. Graves............

John T. Stewart..

John C. Biglow..

T. H. Dickinson...

George Cookman

1890 B. F. Woodward

Ransom W. Graves............

A. B. Angell........

John C. Biglow..

Cleophas Yartin...

George Cookman

1891 Ransom W. Graves....................

A. B. Angell......

James E. Gregory.............

Emerson I. Lord

John T. Stewart...

George Cookman

1892 A. B. Angell......

Amass B. Spelman..........

Hiram F. Gaines..

Emerson I. Lord

John T. Stewart...

George Cookman

1893 A. B. Angell......

Amass B. Spelman..........

George A. Ingalls

W. George Graves.............

John T. Stewart...

George Cookman

1894 Amass B. Spelman..................

W. George Graves............

John R. Lafountain..........

A. B. Angell......

T. H. Dickinson...

George Cookman

1895 Amass B. Spelman..................

W. George Graves............

John T. Stewart..

A. B. Angell......

William Broder....

George Cookman

1896 Ransom W. Graves....................

John T. Stewart

Charles H. Eaton.

A. B. Angell......

Charles L. Stone.

George Cookman

1897 Ransom W. Graves....................

John T. Stewart

Myron D. Briggs.

W. George Graves.............

Charles L. Stone.

George Cookman

1898 John T. Stewart

Charles H. Eaton...............

Charles L. Stone.

A. B. Angell......

William Broder....

George Cookman

1899 W. George Graves....................

Charles H. Eaton...............

Charles L. Stone.

A. B. Angell......

William Broder....

George Cookman

1900 Charles H. Eaton.......................

Charles L. Stone

Frederick Moore.

A. B. Angell......

William Broder....

George Cookman

1901 Charles L. Stone

William Broder..

Bertram F. Paine

William 0. Clark

Harry L .Weegar.

Louis Brassard

1902 Myron D. Briggs

Bertram F. Paine...............

Harry L. Weegar.

C. Moss Graves.

William J. McCrea

Louis Brassard

1903 Bertram F. Paine.......................

Harry L. Weegar

Bartlett Nye.......

C. Moss Graves.

Albert H. Scriver.

Louis Brassard

1904 Harry L. Weegar

William Broder..

Albert H. Scriver.

C. Moss Graves.

C. P. MacGregor..

Louis Brassard

1905 Harry L. Weegar

Albert H. Scriver............

C. P. MacGregor.

C. Moss Graves.

F. M. Strickland...

Louis Brassard

1906 Albert H. Scriver....................

C. P. MacGregor

C. Moss Graves..

James M. Hackett............

F. M. Strickland...

Louis Brassard

1907 Albert H. Scriver....................

C. P. MacGregor

C. Moss Graves..

James M. Hackett............

F.  M. Strickland...

William J. McCrea

1908 C. Moss Graves

F. M. Strickland.

James M. Hackett

Albert H. Scriver

Nathan L. Smith..

Louis Brassard

1909 C. Moss Graves

F. M. Strickland.

James M. Hackett

Wallace J. Braman............

Robert N. Bestor.

Louis Brassard

1910 F. M. Strickland.

William Broder..

James M. Hackett

Wallace J. Braman............

Robert N. Bestor.

B. F. Woodward

1911 F. M. Strickland.

James M. Hackett............

Robert N. Bestor.

Wm. Flack Hill...

Marshall H. Maynard.............

B. F. Woodward

1912 James M. Hackett....................

Robert N. Bestor.............

Wm. Flack Hill....

Marshall H. Maynard...........

William J. McCrea

B. F. Woodward

1913 Robert N. Bestor.....................

Wm. Flack Hill...

Bartlett Nye.......

Leon H. Wiley...

Henry H. Hill.......

Edward H. Cole

1914 Robert N. Bestor.....................

Wm. Flack Hill...

Leon H. Wiley.....

Henry H. Hill.....

G.  Hamilton McCrea................

Edward H. Cole

1915 Leon H. Wiley...

Albert H. Scriver............

A. F. Feryall.......

C. Moss Graves.

William W. Gettys

Edward H. Cole

1916 Robert N. Bestor.....................

A. F. Feryall......

Harry J. Hayford.

William W. Gettys..............

G. Hamilton McCrea..............

Elmer H. Deal

1917 T. H. Dickinson.

A. F. Feryall......

William W. Gettys

Robert N. Bestor

G. Hamilton McCrea..............

Edward H. Cole

1918 A. F. Feryall......

William W. Gettys.............

G. Hamilton McCrea..............

Albert H. Scriver

F. M. Strickland...

Edward H. Cole

1919 Albert H. Scriver....................

Robert N. Bestor.............

William J. McCrea

F. M. Strickland.

Marshall H. Maynard.............

Edward H. Cole

1920 William W. Gettys.....................

Levi T. Miller.....

Hugh McLellan....

Albert H. Striver

Ralph L Clark......

Edward H. Cole

Year       S. M. C.

1. M. C.




Secreta ry

1886 Francis E. Lewis.......

Edward S. Kennedy


Charles Stewart.....

Louis Brassard.........

Charles E. Everest

1887 Wilfred S. Slingsby...

James E. Gregory....

Charles Deal.............

Charles Stewart.....

Louis Brassard.........

T. H. Dickinson

1888 James E. Gregory......

Nathan L. Smith......

Charles Deal.............

Charles Stewart.....

Louis Brassard.........

Charles E. Everest

1889 Nathan L. Smith........

Cleophas Yartin......

Charles Deal.............

Charles Stewart.....

Louis Brassard.........

Emerson I. Lord

1890 Amasa B. Spelman....

John T. Stewart.......

Charles Deal.............

Charles Stewart.....

Louis Brassard.........

Emerson I. Lord

1891 Cleophas Yartin........

Chancey J. Thomas.

Hiram F. Gaines.......

Charles Stewart.....

Louis Brassard.........

John C. Biglow

1892 T. H. Dickinson........

W. George Graves...

Charles Deal.............

Joseph Dixon.......

Louis Brassard.........

John C. Biglow

1893 Cleophas Yartin........

W. M. Lighthall.......

Charles Deal.............

Joseph Dixon.......

Louis Brassard.........

John C. Biglow

1894 Emerson I. Lord.......

John T. Stewart.......



B. F. Woodward........

John C. Biglow

1895 Charles L. Stone........

Charles H. Eaton.....

Ransom W. Graves..

T. H. Dickinson....

B. F. Woodward........

John C. Biglow

1896 Myron D. Briggs.......

William Broder........

Emerson I. Lord......

Charles Stewart.....

B. F. Woodward........

T. H. Dickinson

1897 Frederick Moore.......

John H. Pettinger.....

Louis Brassard.........

John Duffield.......

B. F. Woodward........

T. H. Dickinson

1898 John H. Pettinger.......

William 0. Clark......

Emerson I. Lord......

Charles Stewart.....

B. F. Woodward........

T. H. Dickinson

1899 William 0. Clark........

Frederick Moore.....

Ransom W. Graves..

Charles Stewart.....

B. F. Woodward........

Myron D. Briggs

1900 Edward H. Cole.........

Elmer H. Deal.........

Ransom W. Graves..

Charles Stewart.....

B. F. Woodward........

William 0. Clark

1901 William J. McCrea.....

Albert H. Scriver.....

W. George Graves....

H. C. Petty............

B. F. Woodward........

Ransom W. Graves

1902 Albert EL Scriver......

John H. Pettinger.....

William 0. Clark.......

H. C. Petty............

B. F. Woodward........

Ransom W. Graves

1903 John H. Pettinger.......

S. A. Newcomb.......

William 0. Clark.......

Myron D. Briggs...

B. F. Woodward........

Ransom W. Graves

1904 George W. Harper.....

Gaylord T. Ames....

William 0. Clark.......

Myron D. Briggs...

B. F. Woodward........

Ransom W. Graves

1905 W. George Graves.....

John H. Pettinger.....

William 0. Clark.......

Myron D. Briggs...

B. F. Woodward........

Ransom W. Graves

1906 George C. Kaufman...

Elbridge W. Stone...

Emerson I. Lord......

T. H. Dickinson....

B. F. Woodward........

Elmer H. Deal

1907 Fred G. Hoag.............

H. W. Slingsby........

George C. Kaufman..

T. H. Dickinson....

B. F. Woodward........

Bertram F. Paine

1908 Fred G. Hoag.............

H. W. Slingsby........

George C. Kaufman

T. H. Dickinson....

B. F. Woodward........

Emerson I. Lord

1909 Wm. Flack Hill..........

Marshall H. Maynard

 .. George C. Kaufman...

Albert Gale...........

B. F. Woodward........

Emerson I. Lord

1910 Marshall H. Maynard

John W. Clark.........

George C. Kaufman..

Albert Gale...........

B. F. Woodward........

Emerson I. Lord

1911 Leon H. Wiley...........

Frederick S. Clark...

John W. Clark..........

Albert Gale...........

B. F. Woodward........

Emerson I. Lord

1912 Leon H. Wiley...........

Jesse E. Blake.........

George C. Kaufman..

Albert Gale...........

T. H. Dickinson........

Amass B. Spelman

1913 Henry M. Bertrand....

G. Hamilton McCrea

George C. Kaufman..

William T. Eaton..

T. H. Dickinson........

Amass B. Spelman

1914 William W. Gettys.....

Harry J. Hayford.....

George C. Kaufman..

William T. Eaton..

T. H. Dickinson........

Henry M. Bertrand

1915 Harry J. Hayford.......

G. Hamilton McCrea

George C. Kaufman..

William T. Eaton..

T. H. Dickinson........

Henry M. Bertrand

1916 J. M. Witherill...........

Henry H. Hill..........

Albert H. Scriver......

William T. Eaton..

F. M. Strickland........

James M. Hackett

1917 C. Moss Graves........

F. M. Strickland......

Elmer H. Deal..........

William T. Eaton..

F. M. Strickland........

James M. Hackett

1918 C. Moss Graves........

Robert N. Bestor.....

C. Moss Graves.......

William T. Eaton .

F. M. Strickland........

James M. Hackett

1919 C. Moss Graves........

Henry M. Bertrand..

Orville R. Dunn........

Levi T. Miller.......

F. M. Strickland........

Arthur R. Atwood

1920 Ernest N. Eldred.......

DeWitt C. Brownell.

Robert N. Beater.......

Ransom W. Graves..................

F. M. Strickland........

Arthur R. Atwood

Year        Master

Sen. Warden

Jun. Warden

Sen. Deacon

Jun. Deacon


1921 William W. Gettys......................

Hugh McLellan...

Arthur R. Atwood.

Ernest N. Eldred

Irvin E. Robinson.

Edward H. Cole

1922 Levi T. Miller.....

Hugh McLellan...

Arthur It. Atwood

Ernest N. Eldred

Irvin E. Robinson.

John A. True

1923 Hugh McLellan...

Arthur R. Atwood............

Ernest N. Eldred..

Irvin E. Robinson..........

Alden M. Baxter..

John A. True

1924 Hugh McLellan...

Arthur R. Atwood............

Ernest N. Eldred..

Irvin E. Robinson..........

Alden M. Ba- t-r..

Elmer H. Deal

1925 Arthur R. Atwood.....................

Ernest N. Eldred

Irvin E. Robinson.

Clarence A. Scriver............

W. P. Truesdell....

Elmer II. Deal

1926 Arthur R. Atwood.....................

Ernest N. Eldred

Irvin E. Robinson.

Clarence A. Scriver............

W. P. Truesdell....

Elmer H. Deal

1927 Ernest N. Eldred

Irvin E. Robinson..........

Clarence A. Scriver...............

W. P. Truesdell.

V. E. Bredenberg.

Elmer H. Deal

1928 Irvin E. Robinson..................

Clarence A. Scriver.............

W. P. Truesdell....

Orville R. Dunn.

V. E. Bredenberg.

Elmer H. Deal

1929 Clarence A. Scriver.....................

W. P. Truesdell.

Orville R. Dunn...

V. E. Bredenberg......

O. E. Bredenberg

Elmer H. Deal

1930 W. P. Truesdell..

Orville R. Dunn.

V. E. Bredenberg.

O. E. Bredenberg......

Stanley E. Averill.

William J. McCrea

1931 Orville R. Dunn..

V. E. Bredenberg......

O. E. Bredenberg

Stanley E. Averill..............

C. A. Arnold McCrea...............

William J. McCrea

1932 V. E. Bredenberg...............

O. E. Bredenberg......

Stanley E. Averill.

C. A. Arnold McCrea

 ... James W. Codding.................

William J. McCrea

1933 O. E. Bredenberg...............

Stanley E. Averill..............

C. A. Arnold McCrea...............

James W. Codding...........

C. W. McLellan....

William J. McCrea

1934 Stanley E. Averill......................

C. A. Arnold McCrea

 ... James W. Codding.................

C. W. McLellan..

Thomas Nicholson

M. N. McLellan

1935 C. A. Arnold McCrea.....................

James W. Codding...........

C. W. McLellan....

Thomas Nicholson.........

Robert Heron......

M. N. McLellan

1936 James W. Codding....................

C. W. McLellan..

Thomas Nicholson

Robert Heron....

Charles T. White..

John True

1937 C. W. McLellan...

Thomas Nicholson.........

Robert Heron......

Charles T. White

Harold R. Moore..

John True

1938 Thomas Nicholson..................

Robert Heron....

Charles T. White..

Harold R. Moore

Robert S. Halstead.............

John True

1939 Robert Heron....

Charles T. White

Harold R. Moore..

Robert S. Halstead..........

William H. Fike....

John True

1940 Charles T. White

Harold R. Moore

Robert S. Halstead.............

John Craig........

Franklin R. Forbes

John True

1941 Harold It. Moore

Robert S. Halstead...........

John Craig..........

Franklin R. Forbes.............

John A. Harrison..

John True

1942 Robert S. Halstead...................

Franklin R. Forbes.............

John A. Harrison..

Stanley E. Averill..............

George R. Soboleski...........

John True

1943 Franklin R. Forbes......................

Irvin E. Robinson..........

V. E. Bredenberg.

Donald R. Hogle

Allan It. Maynard.

John True

1944 Orville R. Dunn..

Thomas Nicholson.........

Donald R. Hogle..

David A. Brothers..........

Harold W. Maynard.............

M. N. McLellan

1945 Robert S. Halstead...................

Donald R. Hogle

David A. Brothers

Harold W. Maynard..........

Raymond V. Walsh.................

M. N. McLellan

1946 Donald R. Hogle

David A. Brothers...........

Harold W. Maynard.............

Raymond V. Walsh..............

Hector A. Kaufman............

M. N. McLellan

1947 David A. Brothers...................

Harold W. Maynard...........

Raymond V. Walsh.................

Hector A. Kaufman..........

Maynard R. Vance

M. N. McLellan

1948 Ilarold W. Maynard...................

Raymond V. Walsh..............

Maynard R. Vance

James L. Morgan............

J. William Spaneake...........

ht. N. McLellan

1949 Raymond V. Walsh.......................

Maynard R. Vance..............

James L. Morgan.

J. William Spancake.........

Howard W. York..

M. N. McLellan

1950 Maynard R. Vance.......................

James L. Morgan............

J. William Spancake...........

Gerald V. Manning...........

Ernest P. Richards

M. N. McLellan

1951 James L. Morgan

J. William Spancake.........

Gerald V. Manning.............

W, Alan Hugaboom.......

Harry J. Furman..

M N. McLellan

Year      S. M. C.

J. M. C.





1921 Alden M. Baxter...

J. Arnold Scales....

DeWitt C. Brownell

Levi T. Miller.........

F. M. Strickland.......

Grant A. Dustin

1922 Alden M. Baxter...

Clarence A. Scriver

Arthur R. Atwood..

Ransom W. Graves.

F. M. Strickland......

Robert N. Beater

1923 Clarence A. Scriver

John H. Salter......

Grant A. Dustin....

Ransom W. Graves.

F. M. Strickland......

Robert N. Bailor

1924 Clarence A. Scriver

W. P. Truesdell....

O. E. Bredenberg..

A. T. Phillips..........

F. M. Strickland......

Robert N. Beater

1925 F. R. Swinburne...

V. E. Bredenberg.

O. E. Bredenberg..

A. T. Phillips..........

F. M. Strickland......

Orville R. Dunn

1926 F. R. Swinburne...

V. E. Bredenberg.

O. E. Bredenberg..

Daniel E. Hattie.....

F. M. Strickland......

Orville R. Dunn

1927 O. E. Bredenberg..

G. Clarke Washburn

George R. Soboleski............

Daniel E. Hattie.....

F. M. Strickland......

Orville R. Dunn

1928 O. E. Bredenberg..

G. Clarke Washburn

George H. Lobdell.

Daniel E. Hattie.....

F. M. Strickland......

Arthur R. Atwood

1929 G. Clarke Washburn..................

C. A. Arnold McCrea

 . George H. Lobdell..

Albert H. Scriver....

F. M. Strickland......

Arthur R. Atwood

1930 G. Clarke Washburn..................

C. A. Arnold McCrea.

James W. Codding.

Albert H. Scriver....

F. M. Strickland......

Arthur R. Atwood

1931 T. Blair Hawkes....

James W. Codding.

C. W. McLellan.....

Clarence A. Scriver.

F. M. Strickland......

Arthur R. Atwood

1932 C. W. McLellan.....

Philip Agel..........

G. Arnold Marnes..

Robert Heron.........

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1933 Thomas Nicholson.

Charles T. White..

Arthur B. Webb.....

Robert Heron.........

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1934 Robert Heron.......

'    M. Thomas Lanier..

Irvin E. Robinson...

A. J. V. Durbin.......

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1935 M. Thomas Lanier.

Charles T. White..

Irvin E. Robinson...

A. J. V. Durbin.......

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1936 Sprague A. Pettes.

Harold R. Moore..

Irvin E. Robinson...

A. J. V. Durbin.......

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1937 Robert S. Halstead

Roger E. Branch...

Irvin E. Robinson...

A. J. V. Durbin.......

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1938 William H. Fike....

John Craig...........

Irvin E. Robinson...

A. J. V. Durbin.......

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1939 John Craig..........

C. A. Arnold McCrea

Stanley E. Averill..

A. J. V. Durbin.......

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1940 John A. Harrison...

George R. Soboleski.............

Alton C. Rutherford

Robert Heron.........

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1941 George R. Soboleski...................

Robert A. Wallace

Douglas R. Spies...

Robert Heron.........

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1942 Donald R. Hogle...

Hector A. Kaufman

L. Paul Grover......

Douglas R. Spiers...

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1943 Harold W. Maynard

David A. Brothers

Don A. Gribble.....

Douglas R. Spiers...

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1944 Robert Holshauer..

Raymond V. Walsh...............

Rogers E. Brown...

Douglas R. Spiers...

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1945 Paul K. Bailey......

George H. Lobdell..

Allan R. Maynard...

Douglas R. Spiers...

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1946 Allan R. Maynard..

Maynard R. Vance

William J. McCrea.

Robert S. Halstead..

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1947 Henry H. White....

James L. Morgan...

Bruce H. Stewart..

J. William Spancake

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1948 Howard W. York...

Sterling O. Bennett

Henry F. White.....

Gerald V. Manning..

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1949 Ernest P. Richards.

Gerald V. Manning.

W. Alan Hugaboom

Russell W. Hutchinson....

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1950 W. Alan Hugabcom. ...............

Harry J. Furman....

Rodney L. Wright..

Clayton R. Henrichs.

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan

1951 R. W. Bredenberg.

Clayton R. Henrichs

Rodney L. Wright..

George F. Volzing...

F. M. Strickland......

Hugh McLellan





The Members of the Lodge

This list includes the names of all members of Champlain Lodge, from the founding of the Lodge to the present day. The date following the name in dicates the year of Raising and the letter A shows that the member had been affiliated in the year given. The word Initiated shows that membership had not been consummated in Champlain Lodge.

Abbatt, James 1865

Adams, Amasa Honorary 1859 Agel, Philip 1929

Aikens, Samuel Creighton 1931 Aldridge, Silas 1855 Alexander, Otto 1901-A Allason, Aaron 1852 Allason, Henry K. 1855 Allason, William 1854 Allen, Franklin P. 1863 Allen, George Raymond 1929-A Allerton, John Chester 1937-A Ames, Gaylord Thompson 1903 Angell, Aburtus B. 1890-A Angell, John W. 1862 Angell, Richard H. 1867 Armstrong, Arthur 1863 Arthur, John P. 1906 Ashline, Willard T. 1907 Atwood, Arthur Raymond 1917 Augins, Henry Girard 1945 Averill, Stanley Evans 1923

Bachant, Arthur 1855

Bagley, James M. 1852

Bailey, Paul Kenneth 1943 Balch, Fred J. 1896

Banker, Gershom 1853

Bantel, Harry Klein 1944 Baril, Joseph 1877

Barney, Herbert Rush 1898-A Barney, Rodney H. 1900-A Bates, Isaac G. 1864

Baxter, Alden March 1920 Baxter, John Alden 1949 Beauregard, John See Bugor Belden, Lineas S. 1867

Bell, William 1859

Bennett, Sterling Oscar 1947 Benton, George M. 1872-A

Beresford, Harry Yale 1922 Bertrand, Henry Maxim 1911 Best, Douglas Raymond 1947 Bestor, Robert North 1908 Bidwell, Charles H. 1868 Biglow, John Charles 1856 Billings, J. S. 1853-A

Bitler, Elmer Roy 1910 Blake, Jesse Erville 1911 Blanchard, Charles W. 1852 Blodgett, Ephraim W. 1870 Blow, William A. 1871

Boardman, Frederick L. 1868 Bogardus, Charles Abraham 1945 Boilard, Henry Leon, Jr. 1943 Boileau, Abram, Jr. 1873-A Boright, Melvin Clifton 1906 Bosworth, Charles S. 1869 Bosworth, John Charles 1946-A Bosworth, John H. 1855 Boudreau, John 1908

Bowers, Charles E. 1865 Bowron, Benjamin W. 1867 Boyle, Robert B. 1889

Braden, Frank Wallace 1914 Braman, Wallace Jesse 1908 Branch, Guy Franklin 1923 Branch, Roger Eddy 1925 Branch, William Farrand 1923 Brassard, Louis, Jr. 1875 Breckenridge, Henry Clay 1876 Bredenberg, Albert Eric 1921 Bredenberg, Oscar Edward 1923 Bredenberg, Robert Wing 1948 Bredenberg, Victor Emanuel 1924 Briggs, Myron D. 1895

Briggs, Oliver F. 1868

Brigham, J. E. 1866

Bristol, Cyrus R. 1931-A Broder, William 1894

Brothers, David Arthur 1942 Brown, Edward Clarence 1925 Brown, Horace W. 1872 Brown, Hugh Charles 1923 Brown, Jerry 1906

Brown, Rogers Edward 1937-A Brownell, DeWitt C. 1919-A Bruce, Herbert N. 1869 Bruso, Harry Francis 1922 Bugor, John 1890

Bullis, Arthur C. 1902 Bullis, Elbern Elmer 1911 Bullis, Solomon 1869

Burdick, George L. 1860 Burdick, Melancton S. 1852 Burdick, Wayland Harold 1922 Burroughs, George H. 1867 Burroughs, James DeForris 1924 Butterfield, Herbert Albert 1942

Cady, William 1863

Cameron, George David 1948 Campbell, Alexander 1874 Campbell, Donald Alexander 1923 Carbonnell, Thomas Initiated 1854 Carey, Daniel 1865

Carpenter, Stephen T. 1876 Carson, James Edward 1900 Carson, Thomas L. 1896-A Carter, Hiram 1851

Carto, Samuel 1875

Case, Albert M. 1920

Caswell, Charles Hammil 1931 Chandler, Charles Orr 1946-A Chandler, Joel Whitney 1949 Channell, Frank L. 1866 Channell, Frank S. 1868 Chapman, Albert Burdett 1874 Childe, Willard A. 1860 Ohilds, Peter Minkler 1871 Chilton, George 1895

Chilton, Ralph John 1922 Christie, Duncan Arthur 1920 Churchill, William H. 1860 Clark, Byron Henry 1901-A Clark, Frederick Scott 1903 Clark, Harry G. 1908

Clark, Henry W. 1868

Clark, John W. 1909

Clark, Ralph Lucas 1912 Clark, William 0. 1897 Codding, James William 1929-A Cohen, Isaac 1898

Colburn, A. H. 1864

Cole, Edward H. 1895-A Colman, Perry Hercher 1930 Cookman, George 1866 Cookman, Robert 1907-A Cooper, George 1898-A Cooper, Thomas Honorary 1859 Cooper, Walter Ward 1919 Copeland, Louis Benjamin 1928-A Corkins, Jenbert M. 1900-A Courtenay, George 1869 Courter, Charles A. 1898 Cox, John Leggett 1913 Craig, John 1936

Cressy, William 1853 Cronin, Lawrence Christal Initiated 1948

Cronin, Lawrence James 1925 Cronkrite, Delbert Ellsworth 1911 Crook, John Henry 1924 Crook, Richard Henry 1926 Cushing, Robert 1869 Cutler, George M. 1944-A Cummings, James Blaine 1945-A

Daggett, William S. 1855 Dann, Alexander 1914 Dann, Edwin Amos 1914 Davenport, Chancy A. 1900-A Davis, Fred 1870

Deal, Charles 1870

Deal, Elmer H. 1891

Deans, William J. 1895

DeForest, Charles E. Initiated 1867 Degenhardt, Frederick W. 1949-A DeLano, Laurens Leroy 1931 Devlin, John W. 1875 Dewar, William M. 1891 Dickinson, Charles H. 1863 Dickinson, Thomas H. 1882 Dixon, Joseph 1891

Dodds, Dexter Adams 1926 Dodds, Isaac A. 1862 Dodds, James B. 1859 Dodds, James Douglas 1943 Dodds, Ralph Burnside 1926 Dolby, Ralph P. 1911 Dole, George Allison 1930 Dominy, Henry William 1946 Donovan, B. 1866

Doty, Leon Henry 1917 Douglass, Jonathan H. 1852 Dowling, Michael 1862

Dudley, Charles A. Initiated 1866

Dudley, Levi, Jr. 1863

Duffield, John 1895

Duffy, Francis 1856

Duffy, Hugh 1857

Duncan, Henry A. 1871

Dunn, Orville Rich 1917

Dunning, Pliny F. 1859

Dupont, Francis H. 1870

Durbin, Arthur Joseph Voorhes


Dustin, Grant Anderson 1920

Eaton, Charles H. 1894-A Eaton, Charles H., Jr. 1901 Eaton, William Thomas 1914-A Edgerton, Stanley Wilfred 1923 Eldred, Ernest Norcross 1919 Ely, Charles R. 1891-A

Everest, Charles Egbert 1855

Fadden, Isaac 1853

Farnsworth, Seth 1852

Feryall, Alexander Francis 1911

Fifield, Henry G. 1900-A

Fifield, Theodore P. 1884

Fike, William Howard 1936

Fisher, John Edwin 1921

Fitch, Benjamin 1863

Fitch, Charles S. 1898

Fitch, Horatio 1861

Fitch, Ichabod 1851

Fitch, James 1857

Fitch, James D. 1907

Fitch, Julius C. 1851

Fitch, Marcellus L. 1860

Forbes, Franklin Rutherford 1939

Forbes, James 1868-A

Ford, Abel Honorary 1858

Foskett, Maxwell Eaton 1920

Frair, Harold Hawkins 1913

French, George A. 1857-A

French, Reuben 1852-A

Friedlander, Samuel 1922

Furman, Harry Jack 1947

Gaines, Alfred E. 1911

Gaines, Cresson Homer 1946-A

Gaines, Hiram F. 1890

Gale, Albert 1911-A

Gates, E. M. 1852-A

Gates, Edmund 1865

Gee, Percy Edward 1943-A

Gettys, Harold Alexander 1918 Gettys, James McCrea 1912 Gettys, Lawrence Waldo 1920 Gettys, William Washington 1913 Gibbs, Frederick Herman 1950 Gibson, Leland Thomas 1946 Gilbert, John F. 1862 Goodrich, Frank Rea, Jr. 1949 Goodsell, Burnell Sylvester 1921 Goodsell, Elisha Robert 1948 Gooley, Francis 1859 Gordon, Osborne Clifford 1950 Grace, Lloyd Hampton 1946 Graham, John 1864 Graham, Malcolm 1948 Graham, William 1865 Grant, Wilson Edwin 1920 Graves, Clarence Moss 1901 Graves, Ransom W. 1869 Graves, W. George 1891 Graves, Walter Wilson 1901 Gray, Charles Theodore 1896 Gray, Robert 1933-A Gray, William A. 1898 Gray, William H. 1855 Gray, William Henry 1921 Gray, William Hosea 1947 Gregory, Henry 1863 Gregory, James E. 1885 Gribbon, William Edward 1933 Gross, William Norman 1946 Grover, Lyman Paul 1938-A Guertin, Cleophas 1883 Guertin, James H. 1886 Gunn, Robert 1871 Guyette, Wilbur Joseph, Jr. 1949

Hackett, James Morris 1905 Halstead, Robert Stevenson 1927 Hamilton, Edward 1864 Hamilton, Henry J. 1869 Hammond, John F. 1855 Hammond, Stephen 1862 Hapgood, Henry Julius 1916 Hapgood, John H. 1915 Harden, Halstead J. 1853 Harman, Lemuel F. 1895 Harper, George W. 1903 Harrison, John Arthur 1939 Haslup, James G. 1852 Hawkes, Thomas Blair 1927 Hayes, Edgar H. Initiated 1871 Hayes, Lucius Watson 1871

Hayford, Harry Julius 1913 Heaton, Rufus 1853

Heffernan, James 1862 Henrichs, Clayton Remington 1948

Henton, James 1864

Heron, Robert 1929

Herrick, Charles R. 1853 Herwerth, Harry Louis 1923 Hill, Harry J. 1897-A Hill, Harry J., Jr. 1902 Hill, Henry Hayford 1911 Hill, Ira Alson 1920

Hill, William Flack 1908 Hillegas, Willard Carpenter 1946-A

Hitchcock, Hiram Dwight 1853 Hoag, Frederic George 1906 Hoag, George Brenton 1918-A Hogle, Donald Reay 1941 Holcomb, Diadorus S. 1851 Holcombe, Jesse W. H. 1901 Holzhauer, Robert 1944 Hopkins, Joseph W. 1901 Hough, Orrin 1851

Howeison, Peter 1886 Hoyle, John Van Beuren 1852 Hudson, Stewart 1921 Hugaboom, Wallace Alan 1948 Hull, Fred Scott 1946-A Humphrey, John M. Initiated 1855 Hungerford, John 1851 Hunter, Ira Allen, Jr. 1946 Huntley, Washington A. 1864 Hurst, Paul Hamilton 1924 Hutchins, John C. 1858 Hutchinson, Russell Whitford 1943

Ingalls, George A. 1892 Ingalls, George Harris 1948-A Ireland, James Henry 1927

Jansen, Niel Jackob Thornvald 1947

Johnson, Harry N. 1912 Johnson, Herbert Walter 1923 Johnston, James G. 1853 Jolander, John Lester 1931 Jones, George 1912

Jones, Thomas 1897 Jones, William 1891

Jones, William H. 1865

Kaufmann, George C. 1873-A Kaufman, Hector Alan, Jr. 1941 Kaufman, Kenneth C. 1948 Kavanagh, Stephen Joseph 1926 Kellas, Alexander 1865 Kellas, Stanley Norman 1919 Kennedy, Edward S. 1885 Kennedy, Frank A. 1891 Kennedy, Halton Thomas 1922 Kennedy, William Howard 1936 Kenney, Percy Ray 1948 Kenyon, Harvey H. 1911-A Kilbourn, Ralph Turner 1912 Kimball, Harry R. Honorary 1947 King, Henry C. 1870-A King, Horace B. 1894-A King, Rufus Frederick 1926 Klinkostein, Jacob A. 1916 Knapp, C. F. 1856

Knapp, Henry H. 1876 Knapp, Horatio T. 1860 Knapp, Kenneth Honsinger 1948-A

Knight, James 1855

Kroutinger, Adolph W. 1864 Kutner, Martin 1930

Ladd, Henry P. 1856 Ladd, Lemuel 1859-A Ladd, Whitney Wallace 1920 Ladd, Wilbur John 1864 Ladue, Albert 1853

Lafountain, John R. 1859 Lafountain, Peter A. 1891 Lafountain, Rafile 1871 Lamountain, Abel W. 1864 Lamountain, Adolph 1864 Lamountain, Edmund 1864 Lane, Charles 1863

Lanier, Matthew Thomas 1930 Lasdell, Henry N. 1863 Leege, Edward Henry 1950-A Les Derniers, John R. P. De 1893 Leversee, Wesley R. 1865 Lewis, Francis E. 1884 Lightall, William McPherson 1892

Lippitt, Augustus 1866 Lobdell, George Henry 1925-A Long, Samuel, Jr. 1866 Long, Samuel F. Initiated 1951 Lord, Edwin George 1895 Lord, Emerson Isaac 1866

Lord, George W. 1863 Lord, William George 1946 Louden, Samuel 1946-A Lovell, Frederic Kurczyn 1925 Low, William 1852 Luckin, Alfred 1891 Lyon, Russell James 1915

McCain, Charles William 1948-A McCormick, J. Guy 1856 McCrea, Charles Andrew 1925 McCrea, Clarence Albert Arnold 1926

McCrea, George Hamilton 1908 McCrea, Howard Stanley

Initiated 1945

McCrea, James A. 1884

McCrea, John J. 1883

McCrea, Joseph Albert Gordon 1929

McCrea, Merritt Hamilton 1950 McCrea, Thomas 1883

McCrea, William John 1896 McDonald, Howard P. 1905 McDowell, Edward M. 1871 McElroy, William H. 1892-A MacGregor, Chandler Peter 1903 McKeever, George 1865-A McLellan, Charles Woodberry


McLellan, Hugh 1909

McLellan, Malcolm Nye 1921 MacMillan, Henry 1930

Maddocks, Orin Mason 1925 Mahan, Sylvester 1869

Mandigo, Arthur George

Initiated 1919

Manning, Gerald Vanness 1943 Marnes, Charles Martin 1908 Marnes, Ernest Scriver 1919 Marnes, George Arnold 1930 Marple, Charles 1915

Maser, Warren Fuller 1947 Massie, T. G. 1863

Maynard, Allan Russel 1942 Maynard, Harold Wynam 1942 Maynard, Marshall Henry 1908 Maynard, William Thomas 1942 Meader, James V. 1869-A Melius, Charles B. 1864 Merchant, Albion N. 1869-A Miller, Levi Thomas 1918-A

Milliette, Vetal Napoleon Bonaparte 1865

Miner, Henry A. 1853 Moore, Clyde Marshal 1919 Moore, Edward J. 1869 Moore, Frederick 1895 Moore, Harold Ross 1930 Moore, John Noadiah 1909 Moore, Julius Hubbell 1870 Moore, Pliny Noadiah 1852 Moore, Samuel Mattocks 1856 Moore, Walter James 1930 Morgan, James Lee 1946 Morrison, Solomon L. 1867 Moses, Artemas 1851

Mott, Danford 1871-A Mott, Hubbard D. 1871 Moulton, Lucius P. 1860 Murray, Chester Harrison 1945

Neide, George L. 1869

Neil, Dexter Sutton 1934

Ness, Thomas 1864

Newcomb, Samuel Andrews 1902

Newell, Daniel 1851

Newell, Halsey R. 1860

Newton, Sanford Hamilton


Nichols, Albert Edward 1919

Nichols, Nathaniel 1851

Nicholson, John Drown, Jr. 1926

Nicholson, Thomas 1930

Niles, John T. 1863

Nix, James Roland 1926

Nixon, Clayton C. 1907

Noble, Henry Harmon

Honorary 1912

Norcross, Winston Rand 1949

North, Alexander A.

Initiated 1857

North, Ezekiel A. Initiated 1859

Norton, E. 1851

Nye, Bartlett 1878

O'Brian, Leon Charles 1948-A Olena, Ralph Lord 1927 Oliver, George Andrew 1874 Oliver, Harold J. 1920

Orr, George Albert 1908-A Orton, Elmer G. 1912

Page, Philip Frank See Pasha Paine, Bertram F. 1900

Palmer, Harrison A. 1895 Palmer, Joseph H. 1891 Palmer, Thomas 1898 Palmer, William 1863 Partch, Orson B. 1891 Pasha, Phillip F. 1859-A Patnode, Nelson Edward 1927 Pearson, James 1866 Peck, Charles Jackson 1923 Penfield, George Lincoln 1927 Penfield, Henderson Rudolph 1927

Perry, Titus 1852

Peters, Edgar 1921

Pettes, Sprague Alexander 1925 Pettinger, John Cleveland 1926 Pettinger, John H. 1896 Petty, H. C. Honorary 1901 Phillips, Albert Tennyson 1924-A Phillips, Frank W. 1903 Phillips, Harry Neil 1922 Phillips, Walter S. 1892 Phillips, William Henry 1920 Phinney, John H. 1853 Pilger, Russell George 1949-A Plumley, Abram W. 1867 Porcheron, Isaac D. 1879 Porter, Fred Charles 1930 Powell, Robert H. 1853 Pratt, Charles A. 1865 Pray, James H. 1868-A

Quackenbush, Ralph Gilbert, Jr. 1947

Randall, Emerson L. 1865 Randel, William C. 1870 Ransom, Elijah 1851

Ransom, Epaphras Honorary 1858 Reese, John Knowlton 1936 Reid, Willis Samuel 1922 Rhodes, Levi 1851

Rice, Moses S. 1865

Richards, Ernest Paul 1947 Robertson, Harry C. 1892 Robinson, Henry G. 1902 Robinson, Irvin Ernest 1920 Robinson, Lindsay Ellsworth 1946 Robinson, Robert Lowren 1920 Rochester, James C. 1896 Rochester, James Leggett, Jr. 1915

Rockwell, Elden Menton 1919

Rollit, Percival George 1943-A

Rosemyer, Julius 1897

Roth, Leonard, Jr. 1944

Russell, Benjamin 1852

Rutherford, Alton Christopher 1923

Rutherford, Christopher Columbus 1911

Ryan, Ernest Earl 1925

Ryan, Leslie Gipson 1925

Ryan, Mylo Elgin 1896

Ryan, William A. 1891-A

Sabin, John A. 1853

Salter, John Henry 1922

Sartwell, Jay Freemond

Initiated 1921

Saunders, Jesse Martin

Initiated 1919

Scales, John Arnold 1920

Schiff, Joseph 1857

Schiff, Simon 1856

Schutt, John Willoughby 1896

Scriver, Albert Hatch 1900

Scriver, Clarence Albert 1918

Shaffer, Harold Homer 1923

Shaw, Jeremiah 1867

Shea, Edward H. 1865

Shedden, John J. 1868

Sheldon, John J. 1864

Shiells, James Howard 1919

Shinn, Francis Amasa 1932

Shinn, Walter Allan 1934

Shumway, Daniel Gardner 1920

Sill, George F. 1889

Slingsby, Henry Wilfred 1906

Slingsby, Wilfred S. 1885

Slorah, Richard, Jr. 1874

Smades, Hiram N. 1863

Smith, Mason 0. 1863

Smith, Nathan L. 1874

Smith, Reuben W. 1854

Smith, Robert W. 1866

Smith, T. B. 1861-A

Soboleski, George Raymond 1926

Sorensen, James 1913

Sowles, Frank Hiram 1912-A

Spancake, J. William 1944

Spelman, Amasa B. 1890-A

Spiers, Douglas Reynolds 1939-A

Sprague, Edwin W. 1852

Standage, George, Jr. 1871

Stark, William 1916

Statia, Perrin W. 1866

Steele, Edgar William 1869 Sterns, George 1880-A

Stetson, Frederic T. 1901-A Stewart, Bruce Honsinger 1946-A Stewart, Charles 1885

Stewart, Charles A. 1902 Stewart, John T. 1884

Stewart, Thurlow Charles 1948 Stickney, Floyd Ernest 1927 Stickney, Floyd Kenneth 1936 Stone, Charles L. 1894

Stone, Elbridge G. 1852 Stone, Elbridge W. 1872 Stone, Isaac 1851

Stout, Wray Charles 1945-A Strickland, Foster Miles 1904 Strong, Eugene A. 1915 Sturdevant, Artemus B. 1862 Suddaby, James Aberdeen 1920 Suddaby, James F. 1891 Suddaby, Leland Earl 1922 Suddaby, Thomas Henry 1919 Sussdorff, Edmund Louis 1945-A Suter, Theophilus 1866 Swallow, L. B. 1863

Swartwout, George H. 1869 Sweeney, James 1856

Sweeney, Terrence 1855 Sweet, Alpha 1864

Sweet, Alva 1853-A

Sweet, William Nelson 1891 Swinburne, Frederick Richard 1907

Tallman, John M. 1900-A Tallman, Samuel D. 1900-A Tannen, Julius Racine 1928 Tatro, Samuel 1859

Taylor, Arthur Ellsworth 1947 Taylor, Arthur W. 1911 Taylor, James G. 1872 Taylor, John 1855

Taylor, John T. 1863 Taylor, Simon 1863

Thomas, Chancey J. 1890 Thomas, Stephen Brownell 1923 Thorn, John William 1865 Titus, Joseph A. 1865 Tomlinson, William 1862 Torrey, Charles D. 1865 Treadway, W. D. 1855 Trerice, Robert Lincoln 1946

True, John A. 1909-A

Truesdell, Winfred Porter 1923 Tuck, Fred G. Honorary 1937 Turner, David 1853 Tylee, Benjamin 1851

Underhill, Samuel 1865

Van Buskirk, John H. 1891 Vance, Maynard Rowell 1945 Vandervoort, M. 1851

Viall, John Barker 1946-A Volzing, George Fenner 1949 Vosburgh, Peter Harry 1924

Wagner, George H. 1856 Wagner, John H. 1857 Wakefield, Seymour 1862 Wakefield, Wolcott 1863 Wales, Phineas R. 1853 Walker, Edwin James 1912 Wallace, Robert Andrew 1931 Wallis, Thomas 1869-A Walsh, Raymond Vincent 1943 Warner, George Bouck 1930-A Washburn, George Clarke 1925 Washburn, Stephen Charles 1926 Webb, Abram Lansing 1867 Webb, Arthur Bateman 1929 Webster, Benjamin C. 1851 Weegar, Harry L. 1898 Welden, Sherman 1866, Wells, Dennis Vernon 1933-A Whitcher, William H. 1891 White, Charles Towner 1927 White, Henry Fred 1947 White, Henry Hollis 1941 Whitehead, Homer E. 1901 Wiley, Leon H. 1909 Williams, Comer G. 1871 Wilson, Joseph H. 1867-A Wilson, Robert 1869-A Winters, James E. 1865 Winters, John W. 1865 Witherill, John Murray 1915 Wolcott, Arthur E. 1891 Wolven, Arthur M. 1923 Wood, Alexander 1895-A Wood, Harry L. 1920 Wood, James A. 1901 Wood, Simeon 1863 Woodward, Benjamin F. 1884-A Woodward, Harry Shepherd 1927

Woodworth, Andrew J. 1851 Wootton, Richard Leslie 1947-A Wright, Arthur 1920 Wright, Byron Morton 1929 Wright, J. B. W. Initiated 1858 Wright, Joel F. 1863 Wright, John Burns 1926-A Wright, Keith Allen 1949 Wright, Rodney Lee 1949

Yale, James Addison 1903 Yarbrough, Dorris Edward 1944 Yartin, Cleophas See Guertin York, Howard Woodbury 1946 Young, Arthur E. 1912
Zucker, William Joseph 1920


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