The Obituary of Judge Pliny Moore, 1822

            The following is the full, intact text of Pliny Moore’s obituary that was published in 1822.   Hugh added numerous footnotes at the bottom of the pages for clarification of Pliny’s obituary.   An extensive Appendix was also added that expanded on different subjects addressed in the obituary. 


            It should be noted that in Hugh’s Appendices, he attempted to duplicate the spellings and writing styles of the letters he transcribed.  The style of the late 1700s dictated that the letter “s” be written as a long “f”, as in the word “pofsefsed” (possessed).  Hugh was able to duplicate these spellings with the fonts of his press.  After these Appendices were scanned and edited, I decided in the end to change the “f”’s to “s”’s since it was very difficult to read the words.  Poor spelling by the letter writers made the “fs” vs “ss” format even more confusing. 


            The original font size and formatting of the Moorsfield Press publication was preserved as much as it could be.


judge pliny moore obituary notice










Obituary Notice


From the Plattsburgh Republican

September 7, 1822














Privately Printed at the Moorsfield Press








RARELY may an obituary be considered as a true estimate of a man's character and life, although it might contain much of historical value.   Prejudices are softened and many traits of character lose their sharpness in the presence of death.   It may, therefore, be thought strange that this Obituary Notice on Judge Pliny Moore should serve as one of the first of a number of historical brochures to be drawn from his papers. 


            But a careful study of his correspondence and other papers, covering the years from 1772 to 1822, has thrown a strong light upon his character, and agrees so well with the estimate given in this contemporaneous newspaper article that it has been thought worthy of being preserved.   Around it are gathered a number of documents bearing upon the events stated and characteristics portrayed.  


            It is probable that this Obituary was written by the Rev. Joseph Labaree, pastor of the Presbyterian Congregational Church and Society at Champlain, who conducted the funeral service.


                                                                                                            HUGH McLELLAN

Champlain, N.Y., April 2, 1929.





judge pliny moore obituary




Obituary Notice.


From the Plattsburgh Republican of September 7, 1822.


            It is the promise of Jehovah, that the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.   It is due to God’s work of grace that we remember the worthy conduct of his children, and endeavour to follow the example of those, who through faith and patience inherit the promises, and at length have gone to their reward.    Few examples more justly merit to be remembered and recorded than that of the subject of the following notice.   Seldom do we witness an instance in which a family experience a deeper affliction, or society and the Church of God sustains a greater loss, than in the death of the Hon. PLINY MOORE.


            As a man, both in public and private life, none have sustained a more unblemished character, and as a Christian, few have been more extensively useful.  A brief sketch of his life, therefore, we presume cannot be unacceptable.   He was born in Sheffield, Massachusetts, April 14, 1759.  His father,[1] a respectable and pious citizen of that place, tho’ in moderate circumstances, so managed as to give his sons an opportunity for education somewhat better than was common at that day -- Pliny, the eldest son, early began to manifest a spirit of enterprise and determined perserverance which characterized him through life.   At the age of 17, he entered the American army for a short campaign,[2] & in 1780 at the age of 21, he entered the army as a Lieutenant during the war.[3]   At the close of the war when he left the army he made considerable purchases of soldiers rights of land,[4] and among other grants[5] he obtained a tract in the town of Champlain.[6]   This in the year 1787 and ‘8, he surveyed and marked out[7] -- in 1789, he moved his family to this then dreary wilderness.[8]   With what industry and success he labored to turn this wilderness into a beautiful field, & to form those establishments which are essential to the happiness of man, every traveller [sic] may witness. [9]


            Where there nothing beside to perpetuate his memory, the traces of his enterprise which he has left in this flourishing town would be sufficient.


            In a public capacity, however, Judge Moore long sustained a very useful & honorable part.[10]   When the county was organized, he was chosen assistant Justice;[11] soon after, a judge of the court of Common Pleas; in the year 1805 [or 1807] first Judge, and in this office he continued till by law, his age disqualified him.[12]


            In the discharge of his public duties, he manifested that species of candor, and such firm and undeviating integrity, that amidst the fluctuations & contentions of party,[13] he secured the respect and confidence of all who knew him.   But it was in private life as a neighbor and a christian, and in the domestic circle that his character alone with its brightest lustre.   As a neighbor he was social, kind, and benevolent; to the poor he was a father; the needy never went away from his door empty; and no man, perhaps, was ever more respected & beloved by his domestics, and those who labored in his employ; he never was accused of keeping back by fraud, the hire of the laborers who had reaped down his fields.


            In his domestic character, JUDGE MOORE needs no encomium; his uncommon hospitality had exhibited him in this particular to a very extended circle of acquaintance.   As a husband and a father, he was second to no man that lives; kind, dignified and affectionate, his house was the abode of peace, cheerfulness and friendship - The government of his family was truly paternal, indulgent and tender, yet was it always efficient, seldom was it necessary he should repeat a command or make a request at the second time.


            There were, however, both in his public and private character, some traits which, to a superficial genius might appear to savour [sic] somewhat of a rigid and unyielding disposition, but which, in truth, are traits as excellent as they are rare.   Those who knew him will readily perceive that reference is here made to his method of doing business, & also of making up his opinions on important subjects.   He transacted business with great exactness; every thing with him was systematized.


            And in forming his judgement on important subjects, he proceeded with the same cautious deliberation.  With a mind at once strong and clear, he arrived at his conclusions by the sure and careful process of induction, and when his opinions were this formed, he was not hasty in changing them.  If he suspected himself in error in his conclusions, he would carefully retrace the steps by which he came to those conclusions, and if he discovered error, no man was more ingenuous to acknowledge it, but if not, he remained by his former opinion, and all the arts of sophistry, nor all the charm of eloquence could induce him to alter his Judgement or change his purpose.


            He exhibited this trait of character in a very strong point of view, when forming his opinions of the doctrines of the Bible.  He received his first serious impressions on religion, & as he hoped was brought to embrace the Saviour as he is proffered in the Gospel, under the preaching of a Methodist clergyman and seldom having an opportunity of hearing any other, he became strongly attached to that denomination; but before receiving the ordinances he thought it necessary to have his opinions made up on the doctrines of the Bible, and especially those doctrines which are sometimes controverted.    For this purpose he had recourse almost incessantly to the Bible; the result was, after some months investigation he became fully and clearly convinced that the system of truth taught by the orthodox congregationalists and presbyterians is the system of truth taught in the Holy Scriptures, accordingly when the first congregational church was organized in Champlain, he united as a member, & remained till his death strongly & conscientiously attached to the doctrines of that Church. [14]


            As a Christian, we can say of the subject of this notice, what it would be well if we could say of all who profess to be disciples of Christ, his life was uniform; he held a steady and consistent course onward -- his path appeared to be that of the just which shineth more and more to the perfect day.   He was indeed a steady, conscientious, warm-hearted christian.   It may be said of the christian with stricter propriety than any other individual, that his character is not established by a few extraordinary feats; but by the unnumbered and every day occurrences of a whole life; grace in the heart is not like the volcano which only now and then bursts with heat -- but it is like the perennial spring, which constantly sends forth its healthful and reviving waters.   The example of Judge Moore, after he became pious was always salutary; always unequivocally on the side of religious.   From his extensive acquaintance & known hospitality, his house was the resort of much company, and doubtless to a man [sometimes to a mind][15] less impressed with the importance of religious duties, the performance of those duties might have been a great cross.  Especially was this the case during the last war,[16] when his house was frequented by the first officers of the army, but never has he been known in a single instance to omit religious duties in his family, or to neglect meeting with the children of God on the Sabbath if his circumstances would possibly admit -- he took a lively interest in the great exertions of the present day to extend the privilege of the gospel to the heathens and the destitute of our own country[17] -- and he witnessed with great delight the rapid progress of the cause of truth and the blessings which God is granting to the efforts of his people.    And to the efforts of others he willingly united his own, he never turned a deaf ear to the calls of christian benevolence -- he had the ability and the willing mind.  


            For more than a year past his health had been on a decline, he appeared to realize the monitions of approaching dissolution; and the effect which these circumstances apparently produced on his mind was most salutary.   His affections appeared to be more and more taken from the world and placed on things above -- he gave up the cares of business, and seemed to stand with his loins girded and his lamp trimmed & burning.   His deep humility before God, his child like submission to the divine dispensations, and his full conviction of his entire dependence on the merits of Jesus Christ for acceptance with God were every day more strongly exemplified.   He conversed frequently on death and seemed to make it a subject of frequent and steady contemplation; and though to his family, it came suddenly while they were not suspecting its immediate approach, yet they have every reason to believe it found him watching.   Saturday evening, at a late hour, after spending the evening in reading and silent meditation he retired to rest, and a little after one on Sabbath morning 18th August, he ceased to breath. [18]  Let me die the death of the righteous, & let my last end be like his. 










ARMY IN 1776.


To Mr/Pliny Moor/att/Spencertound


                                                                                    Sheffield April 24th, 1776 --


            I Received yours Dated January the 29th Which I Perused With much Pleasure and Would have wrote to you Before if I could have got any Paper but I Could not so I think you will Excuse Me      I have no knews to write that is to be Depended on       there is a flying Report that there has three Vessels Lately Saild into the harber att Boston [Boston] With Loding for the British Troops thinking They were there which Vessels our men have got Possession of Whether it be true or not I cant Sey.     I hear that you have Listed Into the Continential Service to go to quebec      I Beleiv that I Shant go with you this Summer I Wish you Success a Happy Campain and a Safe Return Home.      Give my Complyments to all the Sheffield Soldiers that you Se      I shall Expect a Letter from you before you March as I hear it ant till Next Munday       Dont fail of Writing Every Opertunity to your Real and Herty Friend


                                                                                    John Fellows Jr [19]





To/Mr/Pliny Moor/att/pr favour/Mr Aron Day [20]


                                                            [Spencertown] 23d June 1776


My Son

            I have heither to Neglected writing to you because of the Dificulty of Convaying Leters to you and it will be Two Chances to one if you Ever Git this; Ensign powers Tells of going up to the Lade and I shall Leve it to the Care of Mr Day or Leiut.     I have nothing matierael to [to] write Respecting News     Genrael Washington hath Sent for the Melitia to Come to York Expects admirael Howe to attack him    Every Day it Seems about this time 24 June &c we hear various acounts from the North    Some bad Some Good    how maters will Turn Events must Shew; as to those Disafected towards the present oposition there has ben a great Stur of Late about them in Clavrack and Kenderhook    our people have ben out to Kenderhook and Taken about 20 Guns and they have made oath to a Complaint Carried to Albany Committee that we Tuck 300 Guns for which Lie and other Crimes they have Sent for the van Schaacks and about 10 more principle men from Kenderhook who are under gard at old fort at Albany:[21]  MacMillin has proved himself out and Sent up to albany and hand [hand] Cuft in favour of G—: Gorge I hope we Shall have Stiller times: Elijah has Cut his Leg very Badly Clearing our falow    will not be able to work this month Likly; if you Can Git a ferlow to Come home and help us a Litle at harvest it would be well    our wheat is much beter than I Exspected; Grass poor thin.   our famely are in usuael Helth and So are the Neighbours In Genrael     Isaac Clarks Wife is Soposed Near her End    Major Pratts Wife is Somthing Dangrous But keeps about Cannot be helpt untill the fall if then acording to Doctr Bird.   I hope you will Take great Care to preserve helth in Cucking your vietles well and not Two Salt and Likewise Exercise in Some Reasonable way; and Next To helth and which is a Great preservitive Be Curcomspect in all things in till things Lawfull be obedient to your Commanders use Curtisy be Chearfull and Ready.   Study Sostness and Easy adress; Take no part with a wicked Soldier be no party man Keep your Self Clear of the Rable minde your own Charactor Remember that your are Born to Die and apear in Judgment and be acountable for your Conduct  your Mother Sisters and famely Defier to be Remembred to you   Litle brother Walks alone Reuben Says he Does not Want you should Come home for he Says you will not [work?] if you do these from your affectionate father


                                                                                                Noadiah Moor









            Private, Captain Henry O'Hara's company (in Colonel Cornelius D. Wynkoop’s regiment). See note, p. 14; also Fernow, N. Y. in Rev. I, p.101.

            Private in First Regiment, New York Line, Colonel Goose Van Schaick. (Roberts, N. Y. in Rev., I, p. 24).

            Deputy of Colonel Peter Van Ness, Assistant Commissary of Purchases, in 1779. (Clinton Papers, v, p. 223).

            Lieutenant and Adjutant in Colonel Marinus Willett's regiment of Regular Levies, Capt. Job Wright's company. (Commission dated 24 July 1782; and Roberts, N. Y. in Rev., I, p. 87).

            Lieutenant and Adjutant in Major Elias Van Bunschoten, Jr's Independent Corps. (Commission dated 24 July 1782, and manuscript “Return of the New York State Battallion Commanded by Major Elias Van Bunschoten who are Retiring from Service”, dated Schenectady, 9 January 1784).

            Captain in Lieutenant-colonel Philip Van Alstyne’s regiment of Columbia County Militia. (Commission and Council of Appt., I, p. 98).



            To Whom it may Concern these may Certify that Pliny Moor has in obedience to the orders of his officers proceeded as far as Albany to Joyn his Company where by my Advice he remain'd untill we were well Assured that the Militia were not wanted any further & now Also by my advice he is Returning home


Certifyed Ã[22] me --                                                   John McKinstry Major

Albany Novem'r 10th 1780 --





                                                                        Fort Rensselaer July 10th 1783 --

A True State

            Some time in May 1781 I Received an Appointment as a Lieutenant in one of the Two Regiments to be Raised on bounties of unappropriated Lands, dated the 28th of April; The beginning of June following I entered Service at Saratoga pursuant to an Order I Received from John McKinster Esq'r (who was appointed to the Command of one of those Regiments), to take charge of the Recruits which should be forwarded &c ever sence which time I have continued in Service — The Twenty First of July 1781 I had a Compleat Quota of Men Inlisted, which were all of them Mustered by the 25th of September following, as may be seen by the Muster Masters Certificates -- from which time I consider'd myself fully entiled by Law to a Commission, & back to which time as it will appear perfectly Just, I hope the Secretary will be pleasd to Antidate my

Commission if it is not already done


            To whom it may Concern                                                       Pliny Moor









Mr Noadiah Moor/Kings District


                                                                        Fort Rensselaer March 23[23] 1783 --

Dear Father

            Some Gentlemen from Albany (who came upon purpose) have within these Two or Three days past Purchased from the Soldiers of this Garrison some Hundreds of Pounds of their Wages for Hard Cash & have taken orders on the Paymaster for them -- in Consequence of which the Enclosed Regimental Order was issued -- The Report by Cap't Tearce of our Regim't (who is also purchasing) who came immediately from the Legislature is that they have pass'd a Law to pay the Troops & Levies of this State in Notes which shall be Rec'd in payment for Confiscated Lands &c if so they have made their jacks -- You will be able by Some of the Members to learn the certainty of this & as we have met with great losses by the War, if you could purchase some of the Nine Months Mens wages cheap in your way it might not be amiss to venture a few Dollars More on the Public Security & take Orders For Value Received on the Pay Master of Col'o Willetts Reg't (who for the Year 1782 is Lieu't Ab’m Ten Eyck) Expressing the Commencement Time of Service &c it will be necessary to be perticular not to purchase any deserters pay & to know if they have not Sold it before -- If the Notes are upon the same principal as the Depreciation Notes were they will purchase more Confiscate Land than the Nominal Sum in Cash as the lands must be appraised as it went in 1774 & it is now dearer  -- Some of these Gentlemen have given at the Rate of One for Twenty I believe none more; or 3 Dol's for 9 Months Wages --


            I am Surprised that I hear nothing from Mr Dean concerning Location, . . Dutifully Yours

                                                                                                            Pliny Moor







            The papers of Pliny Moore include several hundred documents and letters relating to Land Grants.   He had recruited twenty-two men under the Acts of March 20, 1781 and March 23, 1782, which authorized the State of New York to raise two regiments on bounties of unappropriated lands, for which service he received 1,000 acres.


            Pliny Moore was delegated by sixty-three soldiers to locate their Rights, for the consideration of one-fifth part of each Right.   Being at the time, 1782-3, in active service, he appointed James Dean (1748-1823), his agent to make the locations.   In 1783 applications were made by Dean for two locations: first, for a tract of 11,200 acres on “the North Bank of the Tyuga Branch of the Susquehanna River at the West end of a Defile at a place called Ranyoughrodom”; second, for 11,200 acres south of Seneca Lake and the Military Tract and west of the “Oneida or Tufcarora Country.”


            These locations not being granted, Dean turned to the Lake Champlain wilderness, and on November 5, 1785 the Smith & Graves Patent, (so called from Levi Smith and Mark Graves, whose names headed the application), of 11,600 acres in the present Town of Champlain, was granted, after considerable dispute over the claims of Colonel Gabriel Christie and the Canadian & Nova Scotia Refugees.


            On January 14., 1786 a Patent was also granted by the State of New York for Isle la Motte in Lake Champlain, and a settlement was begun there, but the opposition of the Vermont authorities forced Pliny Moore to withdraw the settlers, and the island was “ceded” to Vermont.   The claims of the grantees, then owned by Thomas L. Witbeck and Abraham Van Vechten, were still unsettled in 1798.


            The Pliny Moore Patent, of 11,967 acres at Crown Point, was granted September 21, 1787.   Rights owned by Colonel Marinus Willett, and the Right of Captain Jonathan Pearsee were included.








Pliny Moor Esquire / Champlain


                                                                                    Platts Burgh April 13th 1789

Dear Sir

            Your Agreeable favour came to hand too late to give you the necessary Extracts of the several laws, which you requested.   Those respecting Elections in the greater Departments, you will have time enough to obtain.


            Permit me to Welcome your arrival to this County; I hope Mrs. Moor finds her situation agreeable but tho' it is not at present a pasture of flowers, it is a Country that promises a bountiful reward to the honest labours of Industry -- and when it comes to be under as high a State of Cultivation it will doubtless be as beautiful as Older and Richer places; with the addition of this most pleasing reflection -- (some 15 or 20 years hence) "Where now you see those meadows gay as the new Creation trend large & wide, and all those fields of golden grain, stern Desolation stalk'd, & wilderness, was wrote on every foot of soil -- these hands began the renovation & I can now rejoice in the completion of the work -- these my friend & such like observations will be the topic when we are visited by some of those who now suppose we have buried ourselves alive -- let them enjoy their opinions & their luxuries -- we with our temperance, health, honesty & independence; for my own part I had rather eat my own brown bread in a frock & trowsers, than, in a Purple Robe to cringe lye & flatter for a subsistance.  Mrs: Woolsey joins me in respects to Mrs. Moor, we both thank you for your polite invitation, I hope this summer will afford me a day to spend with you, & your avocations allow you to spend a little time here with your lady. I am sorry the exceeding great scarcity of provisions obliges me (at present) to decline the favour of your brothers Company and Assistance, I hope that difficulty will be removed in a little while; but of this when I have the pleasure of seeing you at Court.


            The other subjects of your letter I will be particularly attentive to, but without much hopes.


            Please make my compliments to Mr Rogers & your brother & believe me Dear Sir With Esteem & Respect

                                    Your Most Obedient Servant

                                                            Mel L’d Woolsey



Pliny Moor Esq're      







               Portion of a draft of a letter written in 1798 by Pliny Moore to Joseph Scott, of Philadelphia, who requested information for a Gazetteer.


               When this letter was written Clinton County embraced the present counties of Clinton, Essex, Franklin and St. Lawrence, and in this vast territory there were but five towns; Champlain, Plattsburgh, Peru, Willsborougb and Crown Point.


            This Town is one of the five which Compose the County of Clinton is Bounded North on the province of Lower Canada East by the Lake Champlain South by Plattsburgh & West by the County of Herkimer is about twelve miles in breadth from North to South the west line not being ascertained . . . .the principal Rivers which water this Town are the Great Chazy River the Little Chazy which Run a North-Eastwardly direction & empty into Lake Champlain the former about five & latter about seven miles from the province line the River Curbo is between the great little Chazy & discharges into the former about two Miles from its mouth These Rivers the Largest of which admits Boats of several Tons Burthern Six or seven Miles & has Grist & Saw Mills erected are composed of Innumerable smaller streams which plentifully water the Country & afford many valuable & commodious Mill seats & a great abundance & variety of fish which come from a Never failing Source     The Salmon are taken here in, great abundance & a fish little inferior in flavour called the Maskenonge from 20 to 30 lb W't.    The Land produces excellent Wheat Rye Indian Corn Oats peas Flax & almost every kind of Vegitable which has been cultivated in great perfection & abundance & is peculiarly suited to the production of Grass -- Wheat from Twenty to forty five Bus'ls 'à [per] acre Corn from Twenty to Sixty Eight Bushels 'à acre Grass one & two Tons à acre -- The Number of Families are about one hundred & Twenty five -- . . . Religious houses none -- Distance from N York 360 miles.







Pliny Moore Esq're / Chazie


                                                                                      Platts Burgh June 8th 1788


Sir / I have the pleasure to inform you that the Commissions for the Officers of Government in the county of Clinton are Arrived, and, sir, to inform you that you are appointed an Assistant Justice in the Court of Common pleas and a justice of the peace for the said County -- whenever it may suit your convenience to attend, you can qualify for the execution of your Office.


            I have the honor to be sir, with great Respect


            Your Most Obed't Serv't / Mel L’d Woolsey



Pliny Moore Esq're







            It being politically impossible to obtain Pliny Moore's appointment, William Bailey receives the First Judgeship of Clinton County, which he holds until the following year.


                                                                                                            19 April 1806

Dear Sir


            Judge Bailey requested me to send you the inclosed commission to Keep for us who is therein named     he had not time to write you owing to his Short stay here and hurry of business -- you have undoubtedly heard that he is appointed our first Judge he told me that the appointment in Justice belonged to you but that the present Council would not have consented to it a his motives I know to be pure he says that unless he had accepted it, Mr B. Mooers would have been unquestionably appointed in that case when the county is divided which will be done he thinks next Session Mr Mooers would have stood during good behavior he further states that there is no doubt but next Session there will be a Majority of Lewisites in that case there will be no dificulty in obtaining one who we all Sincerely wish for (I mean for our first Judge Mr Bailey never could have got it had it not have been for Mr Sailly and Judge Delord who I know interceeded with Judge Spencer &c Please to send the Inclosed Letter to Esq'r Bemont after perusing it


                                                                        Yours Sincerely

                                                                                    Nath'l Z. Platt


            Elisha Ransom Esq'r is displaced and Little Carver is appointed judge       No nominations from the Southward as yet for Congress or Senator      when they arive I will fend them to you       Mr Saillys Support will not be unanimous among us as formerly.






                                                                                    Salem 7th April 1794


Sir/To morrow I leave this for White Hall from thence shall forward you this Letter, and have to Inform you that by good luck have Obtained L100 to be laid out in Erecting and Improving Roads and Bridges in Clinton County, for which purpose shall be up in the beginning of May.   The Law is passed to Revive the proceedings of the Courts in your County, it came from the Assembly with a Clause to have it alternate in Willsbrough and Plattsburgh, but Senate Negatived the Clause, and I am told you Signifyed your disapprobation to its being Moved from Plattsburgh, so that in this I have favoured your inclination, but in so doing have made all Willsbrough my Enemies, however be that as it may I have acted from Principle .  .  .  .


The Election between Mr Sickells & myself goes on -- as you are acquainted with both shall not make any Comments      Times are like to become Troublesome and I hope every man will do for the Best and let party matters subside.


            I am, with respects your/Humble Serv't

                                                                                                John Williams





                                                                                                            30th April 94


Sir / Yours of the 7th Instant I Rec'd two days ago with respect to Election I have only to say that void of personal prejudice in favor of the one or against the other I have supported Mr Sickles that since the year 1788 my political principals have been uniform that to detach me from one party & attach me to an other requires something more substantial than barefaced flattery or slightly covered fraud that whatsoever your opinion of me may have been you may be convinced I have more disernment than to be alured with chaff to purchase me you ought to hold out some substantial good the Sophistical drift of your Letter & of some part of your conversation to me might be easily understood by persons of less disernment than I have the vanity to suppose myself possessd of.    I mention this merely to let you know that though I possess no other Sentiments than those of perfect friendship towards you having received nothing but the kindest usage yet with respect to politicks I act independently & upon principle.





WAR OF 1812


This letter was written three days after the Battle of Plattsburgh, and is addressed to Mrs. Pliny Moore Union Peru

                                                                                    Champlain 14th Sept'r 1814


[Dear] ma / I received yours of the 10th last evening & Sophias of the 12th this morning [by M]r Whiteside.    I am not surprised at your anxiety when such interesting events are pending.    The British yet keep possession of Champlain how long they intend it is not known to me.   We have suffered very considerably all our Apples much of our Hay & fences are destroyed & our fields mostly laid common, all our Cows & three Heifers taken off with the Contractors drove with the Marino Ram which followed them Harden went to Odell town has found one Cow only, is gone again to look further I fear they will not be found.    General Brisbin calld yesterday to inform me we should be paid for every thing.    I hope so.    our Garden & house has not been much pillaged since I returnd‑many Grapes remain but not ripe some Melons the same. Phillis does the best she can no pickles saved till today many of the Tomatoes ripe & plenty of small ones for pickles we have saved five or six Bus'ls Onions you had better remain where you are untill we see what course the british army will take.    the Indians are here & are continually committing depredations even as far as Esq'r Kings in the Bay & out to Dudleys & they steal more or less every day in the Village they placed a Centinel in the back yard till yesterday    I have thoughts of asking one of the Gen'l again today untill they leave this.    do not stir from where you are untill I send for you the Roads are now excessively bad -- should our fleet remove down it will be better whenever it is safe to come by water.    None of the Officers have quartered at our House except a Commissary who occupies the Stone House as a Store.    several officers have put their beds in the House & lodged for a night all of whom have treated me civilly found themselves except Hay which they have some times thanked me for.    a Glorious day for McDunna & the fleet as well as for McComb & the Army & Garrison.     I much lament the losses of many friends in Plattsburgh whose Houses are destroyed & others plundered.    Those who have houses I understand are returning to them


15th   Amasa will remain with you untill he can safely come home or till we shall otherwise determin my opinion is that they will remain here no longer than untill they can remove all their stores to LaCole most of which are gone already.    we have recovered but one Cow.  Harden goes again to day with little better prospects.   I hope the Indians will leave today but do not know.     my love to all the family.


            I am Dear Ma /Your affectionate Husb[and]

                                                                                    Pliny Moore







Pliny Moore's draft of a letter to Dr. Alexander Proudfit, Salem, N. Y.

                                                                                                                                                     Champlain 24th May 1816


Reverend & Dear Sir


            Gen'1 Woolsey wrote me last winter That a Number of French Bibles were for distribution . . . . I returned yesterday from Canada where I have been some days & think I have found a man & his wife who may be useful.    I have known them some years but had an imperfect knowledge of their religious opinions.    Henry Lore of La Cade & his wife were brought up in Connecticut decended from the Neutral French of the old F War have resided in Canada since the close of the Revolutionary War    have a considerable family & large & respectable connexion, attend the french ch'h occasionally & do not object to being denominated Catholicks tho they do not believe all its doctrins       I lodged at their House & mentioned the French Bible they expressed much anxiety to obtain it said it was not to be had


            .  .  .  I was favored with a letter from Mr Dunlap dated 15 Int   he informs me that he has obtained 50 English & 20 French Bibles for the Troops at Isle Au Noix & the vicinity of Odle Town that they will be forwarded by the Steam Boat & Requests me to see Capt Odell & write him which I intend doing soon.    Could a number of French Bibles for the Inhabitants of La Cade be sent with them I will take upon me the forwarding them to their respective destinations.




            The letter from Rev. John Dunlap, of Cambridge, N. Y., states:


.  .  .  The 76th Regiment at Isle aux Noix applied through their Quarter Master Banborough for Bibles through me to our Bible Society . . .







This notice of the death of Judge Moore appeared in the Plattsburgh Republican, August 24, 1822:


DIED. -- At Champlain, on the 18th inst. the Hon. PLINY MOORE, late first judge of Clinton Common Pleas, aged 64 [63] years.   Judge Moore was one of the early settlers of this county -- he was a kind and affectionate husband, a tender father, and an exemplary and valuable citizen.


               Judge Moore was buried at Champlain, in the grave-yard which was located on Oak Street, opposite Maple Street.    This “Old Cemetery” being discontinued, the bodies were removed to Glenwood Cemetery, which was laid out in 1859.   A shaft, replacing the original stones, bears these inscriptions:




APR. 14, 1759,



DIED AUG. 18, 1822.





AUG. 24, 1764,

DIED MAY 2, 1825.


[1]   Noadiah Moor[e], (1730-1786).  See in Appendix I a long letter written by him to his son Pliny. 

[2]   1776.  See Appendix I, for letters mentioning this enlistment. 

[3]   See Appendix II, for Pliny Moore's military record. 

[4]   See Appendix III, for an interesting letter suggesting the purchase of these Rights. 

[5]   See Appendix IV.

[6]  Smith & Graves Patent, 11,600 acres.  The "Great Deed" of February 7, 1787, divided this tract among 18 proprietors; Moore's allotment amounting to 3820 acres, besides a part of 500 acres deeded to him and James Dean, (1748-1823). of Westmorland, N.Y. 

[7]   This is incorrect.   The Smith & Graves Patent was surveyed in 1785 and 1786;  Moore having "Set out from Kinderhook with Esq'r [James] Savage & Daniel Clark to make a Survey of a Location the West side of Lake Champlain" on March 1, 1785 (Field Book).  The Isle La Motte Grant was surveyed in 1786, and the Crown Point Patent in 1787.  On May 23, 1788 Pliny Moore, with a few workmen and settlers, arrived at Champlain, and built a saw-mill (Journal).  The settlement was known first as Moorsfield on River Chazy.  The Town of Champlain was formed March 7, 1788. 

[8]   Pliny Moore had married Martha, daughter of John and Abigail (Cabot) Corbin, on January 22, 1787.  Their first child, Noadiah, was born at Kinderhook on February 14, 1788.  They left Kinderhook in February 1789.  See Appendix V. 

[9]   In Appendix VI is given an early description of Champlain. 

[10]  Served as Postmaster of Champlain from October 9, 1797 to January 16, 1804.  Among other offices were those of Superintendent of Highways, and Commissioner of Taxes for Clinton County.   He was also President of the Great Northern Turnpike Company. 

[11]   Clinton County was formed from Washington County, March 7, 1788.  The letter of the County Clerk, Melancton Lloyd Woolsey, (1758-1819), concerning this appointment, is given in Appendix VII. 

[12]  Commission dated February 19, 1807, and expired in 1819.  An interesting political correspondence clusters around this appointment, which seems to have been coveted by Gen. Benjamin Mooers, (1758-1838).  A part of this correspondence is given in Appendix VIII. 

[13]   Pliny Moore was a stanch Federalist.  His papers contain much political material.   A letter of Hon. John Williams, (1753-1806), of Salem, N.Y., and Judge Moore's reply to it, are given in Appendix IX. 

[14]   The First Presbyterian Congregational Church and Society of Champlain, N.Y. was organized by Rev. Benjamin Wooster, July 13, 1802.  The original members were: Jonathan Darrow, Ebenezer Dunning, Sarah Hamilton, Robert Martin, Sarah Martin, Pliny Moore, David Savage, Martha Savage and William Savage. 

[15]   Hugh's error.  Hugh wrote in his Forward that the error was caused by a crease in the newspaper.  It was corrected from a well-preserved copy.  The true line should read "sometimes to a mind."   A poor microfilm photocopy of the newspaper also suggests this. 

[16]   War of 1812.   See Appendix X, for a letter written by Judge Moore to his wife on the day of the Battle of Plattsburgh.

[17]   Pliny Moore was the first President of the Clinton County Bible Society, which was formed, through the efforts of Dr. Alexander M. Proudfit, of Salem, N.Y., and Rev. John Dunlap, of Cambridge, N.Y., March 5, 1816.  Appendix XI shows Judge Moore's interest in this distribution of Bibles in the neighboring settlements in Canada. 

[18]   Pliny Moore's "A Daily Account of Labour & other Occurrences", which he began October 24, 1796, contains this entry on Sunday, August 18, 1822: "Pliny Moore Died this morning between the hours of 12 & One of the dropsey on the Lungs after an illness not exceeding 2 hours he was buried on monday the 19th Sermon preached by the Rev'd [Joseph] Laboree."  See Appendix XII. 

[19]  John Fellows, Jr., (I760‑1844), author, son of Brigadier-general Fellows.

[20]  No destination of this letter is named, but a letter of Jacob Van Huzan, of July 7, 1776, is addressed: To Mr Pliny Moor Att Tye or Crown point in Cap't Oharrows Company.

[21]  See Life of Peter Van Schaack, pp 59, 475‑478.

[22] The symbol P  probably  means “per”.

[23] The date is incomplete in the letter, and is taken from the original draft.

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