Pliny Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782




Captain Job Wright's Company

Colonel Marinus Willett's Levies


Ballston, New-York






Hugh McLellan

in the Quarterly Journal of the New York State Historical Association

October, 1919





Privately Printed at the Moorsfield Press







            One of the reasons for gathering the following papers together was to correct an error in the index to "The Public Papers of George Clinton", where certain references to Lieutenant Moore in letters printed in the sixth and seventh volumes were indexed under

           Moore, William, lieutenant of Col. Marinus Willett's levies.

             Whereas I was confident that they should have been listed under the name of Pliny Moore, my great-great grandfather, who was lieutenant and adjutant of Willett's Levies, and whose papers are still preserved in the family.  


            In printing this article separately several corrections have been made, and the lists of names appended to petitions have been arranged in alphabetical sequence rather than in the order in which they were written.


                                                                        HUGH McLELLAN

Champlain, N. Y., July 28, 1928







          In the seventh volume of "The Public Papers of George Clinton" may be found on page 568 a letter from Captain Job Wright to Governor Clinton.   As it is written from Ballston and mentions Lieutenants Pliny Moore (this citation is erroneously indexed in the Clinton Papers under William Moore) and Jesse Hubbell, of Colonel Marinus Willett's Regiment of Levies, I have copied it here in full as an introduction to several unpublished documents which were found among the papers of Lieutenant Moore,[1] and which relate to Captain Wright's company while stationed at Ballston during the months of May, June and July 1782.


                                                                              BALLSTON, 8th Decem'r, 1781.


To his Excellency Geo. Clinton Esqr. Governor of the State of New York &c &c



            I am Informed that the late Session has done nothing with Respect to giving any further Encoragements to the officers that have Engaged in the three Years service, and as there is no probability of any further Encouragement in Recruiting, am very Solicitious that myself with Lieutenants More and Hubbell may be Considered and, Receive some compensation for our time and trouble, and if we are to be continued that we may be commissioned, as we are the only officers that has been out with the three Years Troops. Agreeable to your Order I have the command of what men has teen Raised in both Regiments. I suppose by the time that this reaches your hands, that Colo. Willet will be with your Excellency and should be very happy to know what will be the Result; if the Regiment is to go on, I should be very glad to know, or whether they are to be Incorporated into a Company as there is a Sufficient number already in service for a full Company.


            I am Informed that there is a Petition gone to your Excellency for the Redemption of Lieut. Grant who was confined for holding a Correspondance with the Enemy;. am very anxious to know the names of the Petitioners; if your Excellency will please to favour me with them, I will assign you the Reasons another day.


            I am Your Excellencys most obedient Humble servant.

                                                                                                              JOB WRIGHT


To Governor CLINTON






            You are hereby Ordered to Repair to Spencer Town & forward on the Three Years Men from that Quarter to Ballston with all possible Dispatch that they may Join the Corps to which they belong which are now ordered to Rendezvous at that Post  You will Remain in this Business till you Receive my further orders

I am Sir


                                                                                    Your Hmble Serv't[2]

                                                                                                JOB WRIGHT Cap't

BALLS TON March 22d 1782






                                                                                       BALLSTON May 15th 1782

Garrison Orders


            In future the whole Garrison (Except those on duty) to turn out for Exercise at 3 Oclock  One Hour.

            Guards to mount as usual  Centinel to be Removed within the Fort & the Gate to be shut at 7 OClock in the evening after which no person to pass without the countersign.

            A Corporal & Four to be turned out tomorrow morning at Roll call for Fatiegue.

            A Centry Box to be Erected as Speedily as possible after which no Centinel to Leave his post on any pretence whatever.

            A Camp Culliman to be appointed to Remove all filth without the Garrison & to keep it perfectly Clean.   No Noncommissioned Officer or private to leave the Garrison without Special leave of his Officer.

            The Officer Commanding hereby Informs the Garrison that any Insult, depredation or abuse whatever Offered to the persons or property of any of the Inhabitants which shall come to his knowledge will be most Severely punished.   No Non Commis­sioned officer will be Admitted on the parade at Roll Call without his Arms and they in the best Order possible.


                                                                                                PLINY MOOR Lieu't Comd't.

Countersign Albany


            During the previous year Lieutenant Moore had enlisted 18 recruits for the two regiments raised by the State on bounties of unappropriated lands under the act of March 20, 1781.  On March 23, 1782 a further act was passed regulating these enlistments, and it was doubtless in order to muster four additional recruits obtained during the month of May 1782, that Lieutenant Moore desired to accompany Captain Wright to Albany; as evidenced by the following letter.   The certificate of muster for his last recruit was signed by Jacob John Lansing, Commissioner of Muster, on May 26, 1782.


            The letter is addressed to Captain Job Wright at Stillwater.  On the bottom he has written a reply, with the words "for want of paper" added in the margin.





                                                                                BALLSTON May 21st 1782



            Lieu't [Jesse] Hubbell considering the consequences that naturally must attend my staying till your Return, has been kind enough to give me the offer of Staying himself & consents that I should set out tomorrow morning but [?] your permission which I have not the least doubt of obtaining as the only objection which you had (Viz't That the Garrison must not be left in the care of a Seargeant) is now Removed  if you will wait till I can Ride to your House tomorrow morning I should be happy to bear you Company to Albany.


            I am Dear Sir Your undesembled Friend & Humble Serv't


                                                                                                   PLINY MOOR





Sence Leut Hubbel is So Caind as to Stay I Shall wait till thusday morning for you before I Sett out for albany and your Request is Granted.


                                                            I am your Hum'b Ser't


                                                                                                JOB WRIGHT

STILLWATER may 21st 1782


To Leu't MOOR





                                                            BALLSTON June 18th 1782 Garrison Orders


            The Officer Commanding feels a Sensible pleasure at the alertness & spirit with which the Men Turn out on any Alarm  & the Alacrity & Chearfulness which they discover on all ocasions in rendering those services which he deems necessary for the defence & safety of this Garrison, Circumstances which form a pleasing Aspect & must necessarily gain us the confidence & Esteme of the inhabitants (for whose protection we remain at this Post) in Case of Real danger & establish our Character as good Soldiers while our wretched situation with respect to Clothing excites their pity  He laments the Noise & disturbance which they make when Alarmed & hopes that in future they will on every Alarm repair to their Alarm posts with the greatest silence, Composure & dispatch ‑ is sorry to hear that any of the Men will contrary to repeated Orders go into the Meadows of any of the Inhabitants for Strawberrys hopes there may be no occasion for any complaints of that kind in future & assures them that any detection of that nature will not be overlook'd.


                                                                                      PLINY MOOR Lieu't Com'dt



                                                                            BALSTON June the 27 Day 1782


            We the Solgers of Capt Wright Company Do as foloweth Make oure Complant to your honners Beging that you will take it in to Consederatishion and Enquir in to and Se to Right ours as We Beleve you are unacquated with the Managents of our provishion wharein We Beleve we are Ronged Fust to the flower wich we are inforemed that the Comsary takes of the profits of Bakers tho We Do Not Complan of Not haveing our Wate yet thare is A Nuf So that he Who Receves it of the Comsary has plenty to Dispose of att one time he Despose of 46 pounds of floure and as We here A hundred and 50 wate wich the advance of Bakings being taken of By the Comesary A Man Being fred [freed?] By the Company to Bake fore ous is it Not Right that We Shal Receve what Brad that the flouer Makes tho he teleth of trifels that the Comesary thros in tho your honers May think that a trifel Everey Day in A Mounts time will Bee of Vallue to the Solgers Wich We think is our just Right We there fore humbley Bege of youre honers to Examen in to and know the truth of What We have Related.


            We the Souldiers of Cp'tn Write Comp't Verily beleave that we are Ronged in our Provisions  in Not Receiving the full of What is drew for us.


                        Justus Allen

                        pall Attwel [Paul Atwell]

                        Robert Ayres

                        Moess Barne


                        John x Barns


                        Samel Conklin

                        Robart Cristy [Robert Christie]

                        Matthew Hatch

                        Abram Knapp

                        Charles McArthur

                        John Moss

                        Amsey pelps [Amasa Phillips]

                        Joseph Plumb

                        John Riss [John Reis]

                        Nathan Rus

                        James thompson



            The foregoing petition for redress was answered in the next garrison orders, which, as well as those which follow, are in the handwriting of Lieutenant Pliny Moore. 





                                                                      GARRISON ORDERS June 29th 1782


            Upon the complaint of some of the Noncommissioned Officers & Soldiers respecting the distribution of their Provisions the Officer the Officers present are willing to give every reasonable satisfaction to the Men, & attentively to hear, Examin in to, & Redress every complaint in their power if founded in reason, & on all occasions to see that they have their full allowance of provisions.   They have examined in to the ground of their complaint & removed it so far as the company does the duty of the Baker but they cannot be Insensible of the extraordinary trouble of procuring Carriages & attend them to Schenectady as often as every Week, Baking the Bread after the profits has been deducted by the Commissary & delivering the Men their full allowance.   The Officers there fore must consider the complain groundless any farther then the Company has done the duty of the baker  & they are exceeding willing that whoever takes the trouble of drawing &c should have the benefit of every percusite which does not deprive themselves & the Men of their full Allowance.



                                                                     GARRISON ORDERS June 30th 1782


            As there has been divers complaints Against the Soldiery of this place for Indecencies committed on Sundays during the time of Public worship, which I believe was founded on too much Reason  and as there will divine worship be Attended this day at the Meeting house every Non Commissioned Officer and Soldier is Directed to Observe the Strictest Attention to their Conduct that there is no Confusion jarr or noise on this day and perticularly During the time of worship. those who may be disposed to attend has permission to Attend with their Arms and Accoutrements.


            A Sergeant in future at the time of Roll call at night to be warned for the Succeeding night to Visit the Sentinels twice During the night first between Eleaven and twelve oClock Second between three & four in the Morning and if they Should Detect any Sentinel in the Neglect of his duty on his post the Sergeant in the Morning will make his complaint to the Officers of the Garrison.



                                                                    GARRISON ORDERS July 17th 1782


            The Officers present their Thanks to those men who chearfully turned out on the last Alarm to perform Extraordinary services ‑ are happy to find that they will have no ocasion to exercise Authority in such cases.  The men will this evening be appointed their Alarm Posts, a Sergeant to each Bastian, who is to take charge of a distinct party & none are to leave their posts without orders or permission on any pretence.   the strictest notice will be taken in future of all such as are dilatory in repairing to their posts, & those whose Arms are not in the most perfect order or who are at a loss to find them when Alarm'd will receive a punishment according to their demerit.





To the Honor'le Marinus Willett Esq'r Commanding the Northern department.


            We your petitioners, Inhabitants of Ballston, and its vicinity, are not a little Alarmed at the sudden and unexpected removal of Capt: Wright, and His Company from this Post.   From the encouragement repeatedly [had] from you, of his continuing with us, at least till they had Clothing; we fatter'd Ourselves, by the knowledge of them, that Our persons would be secured from Insult, and Our property from Theft, Or the Ravage of the Enemy.   His Conduct, with that of his officers, and Men has been such while with us, that, even the Mouths of the factious, and milicious have been Stoped; and it is Our Sincere wish, that, He with his Company might be continued here in preferrance to any Other:   We therefore, your Honours Petitioners humbly begg, that, considering our exposed Situation as a Fronteer where we are every day Subject, & realy are almost every day Alarmed.  That you will with your usual Care and attention to the Fronteers in general, Order, that Cap't Wright and Company may continue with us for Our protection as your destressed petitioners will ever pray.  

                                                                    BALLSTON y'e 20th of July AD 1782


            Stephan Ball

            Consider Chard

            Joseph Chard

            John Cole

            John Cole Jun'r

            Joseph Cole

            Moses Cole

            Manasseh Collins

            Seth Crapo

            Seth Crapo Junr

            Mich'1 Dunning jun'r Capt

            Grick Son frisbee

            Jabez Goreham

            Isaac Hore

            Abijah Hubbell

            Jabez Hubbell

            Jabez Hubbell Jun.

            Nehemiah Hubbell

            Seth Hubbell

            Garshom Lacy

            Samuel Lacy

            William Merick

            Hezekiah Middelbrook

            Michael Middelbrook

            John Nash

            Jonathan Nash

            Samuel Nash

            William Odell

            Amoziah Palmer

            Giles Savage

            Hiel Savage

            Joseph Silliman

            Elijah Tracy   

            Enos Tracy    

            George Wakeman

            Abraham Weed

            Fhinehas Weed

            Nathaniel Wyatt


            Another petition, with the same address and date, written in another hand and with but slight changes in the text, bears the following signatures


Flamen Ball

John Ball

William Belden

Uriah Benedict

Ebene'r Buckingham

Samuel Clark

Edward Deake

Samuel English

Daniel Holmes

Eliphelet Kellogg

Zachariah Mead

Nathan Raymond Leu't.

William Reeve

Aaron Scribner

Daniel Scribner

Thaddeus Scribner

Zacheus Scribner

Zacheus Scribner Ju


            Lieutenant Jesse Hubbell belonged to one of the Hubbell families which signed this petition to Colonel Willett; which fact may have had an effect on the desire of the inhabitants that this particular company remain there.    On December 2d Lieutenant Hubbell wrote to Lieutenant Moore from Schenectady: "I feel myself perfectly easy as I came from Ballston this morning . . . . Mr. Balls & his Ladys compliments wait on Cap't Wright & yourself, with those of my fathers family together with Mrs. Hubbells."


            In spite of the "sudden and unexpected removal," it would seem that a farewell banquet was held, perhaps participated in by the officers of Captain Wright's company and by the leading citizens of Ballston; for on the back of a portion of an order for three camp kettles dated 20 July 1782 and signed by Job Wright Captain Commandant and J. Pearsee Captain Commandant, is the following list of toasts in the handwriting of Lieutenant Moore:


     Lets Drink & be mer[ry] with Claret Canary

     This Changeable World & all pleasures around

     In Mirth let us Spend for they will be past us

2   The Butter fly Court'r

3   The Beautiful Bud

4   The Right Hearted Soldier

5   The Merchant who Ven'r

6   The Rich Brawling Law'r

7   Plush Coated Quack

8   The Meagre Chopp'd Usurer

9   The Learned Divine

10 The Poet himself

11 Why should we [indistinct]

12 The True hearted Major


            Captain Wright's company proceeded up the Mohawk valley and was stationed during the remainder of the year at several of the forts in that quarter, but Ballston was not left unprotected all of that time, for on November 10th Lieutenant John Watson wrote from Ballston to former Adjutant Jellis A. Fonda desiring to know "something concerning our bieing discharged or call'd away from this place," and on December 8th Captain Abraham Livingston sent from Ballston his own and Captain [Abner] French's returns to Adjutant Pliny Moore, who was then at Fort Rensselaer.


[1]  Pliny Moore (b. Sheffield, Mass., 1759; d. Champlain, N. Y. 1822). Private, Captain Henry O'Hara's company in Colonel Cornelius D. Wynkoop's regiment. (Letters). Private in 1st regiment, New York line, Colonel Goose Van Schaick. (N. Y. in Rev., 1:24). Deputy of Colonel Peter Van Ness, assistant commissary of purchases in 1779. (Clinton Papers, V:223).  Lieutenant and adjutant in Colonel Marinus Willett's regiment of regular levies, Captain Job Wright's company. (Commission and N. Y. in Rev., I:87).  Lieutenant and adjutant in Major Elias Van Bunschoten, Jr's independent corps. (Commission and mms. return, 1784.).  Captain in Lieutenant Colonel Philip Van Alstyne's regiment of Columbia County militia. (Commission and Council of Appt., 1:98).

[2]  Superior letters have been brought down to the level of the line and indicated by an apostrophe.

[3]   It is probable that some of the names attached to this Petition for Redress are not signatures because of the curious spelling of known names, most of which are found in the list of "not identified" on pages 94 to 96 of New York in the Revolution, vol. I.




Pliny Moore and his Revolutionary Army Experience


            Pliny Moore was born in 1759 and would have been 18 years old in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed.  At this time, he was living in Spencertown, New York.  With war brewing, Pliny contemplated enlisting in the military as early as 1775.  A friend, John Fellows, Jr., wrote to him on December 26, 1775, from the Camp at Dorchester: “If you dont list as I have been informed you had a great mind to if you will stay till spring I will list with you if it is very cold  


            Pliny enlisted in the army in April of 1776 when he was still 17.  A letter dated April 24, 1776, from a friend reads: “I hear you have Listed into the Continental Service to go to Quebec.  I believe that I shant go with you this summer.”  Pliny received other letters, probably from family or friends in Spencertown, on July 7 and 28, 1776, when he was in Captain O’Hara’s Company[1]  (in Colonel Cornelius D. Wynkoop’s regiment) at Tye [Ticonderoga], Crown Point and Fort George, New York.  During this period, he contracted small pox.   Pliny was also a Private in the First Regiment, New York Line, under Colonel Goose Van Schaick.


            In 1778, Pliny’s enlistment was complete and he went home.  In 1779, he became a Deputy of Colonel Peter Van Ness, Assistant Commissary of Purchases.[2]   A November 10, 1780, Certificate by Major John McKinstry showed that Pliny proceeded to Albany to join his company.  Also around this time, it was written that he reported for military duty but was not needed.[3]   


            In June of 1781, Pliny enlisted in Colonel Marinus Willett’s Regiment of Regular Levies, which was part of Captain Job Wright’s Company.  He was a Lieutenant and Adjutant in this regiment.  His commission was dated July 24, 1782.[4]   He may have served mostly in the Mohawk Valley.   A letter from his friend Elisha Pratt, 3d, dated October 13, 1781, stated: “When I read the Characters of Gen’l Starks and his Aid-Decamp and at the same time am informed that you are a Member of his Honorable Family...”   Also among Pliny’s papers is a Remonstrance to Brig. General. Stark, Oct. 5, 1781.  Another letter, dated September 20, 1781, was addressed to Lieutenant More in Col. McKinster’s Regiment in Saratoga.


            It was also written that Pliny was a Lieutenant and Adjutant in Major Elias Van Bunschoten, Jr.’s Independent Corps, whose commission was also dated July 24, 1782. 


            In February of 1783, Pliny was still in Colonel Marinus Willett’s Regiment where he was in a forced march to Oswego.  By the summer of 1783, Pliny was stationed at Fort Rensselaer (later called Fort Plain) when George Washington visited.  Hugh McLellan wrote a long article about Pliny’s experiences during the July 4 celebrations.  His article was based on a letter written by Pliny to the publishers of a newspaper about this experience.


            Finally, Pliny may have been a Captain (#7) in Lieutenant-colonel Philip Van Alstyne’s regiment of Columbia County Militia.  This commission was dated September 13, 1786, as Hugh wrote later.


            Hugh wrote a summary of Pliny Moore’s military record in his Moorsfield Press publication about Job Wright’s Company:





            Private, Captain Henry O'Hara's company (in Colonel Cornelius D. Wynkoop’s regiment).  See note, p. 14; also Fernow, N. Y. in Rev. I, p. 101.


            Private in First Regiment, New York Line, Colonel Goose Van Schaick. (Roberts, N. Y. in Rev., I, p. 24).


            Deputy of Colonel Peter Van Ness, Assistant Commissary of Purchases, in 1779. (Clinton Papers, v, p. 223).


            Lieutenant and Adjutant in Colonel Marinus Willett's regiment of Regular Levies, Capt. Job Wright's company. (Commission dated 24 July 1782; and Roberts, N. Y. in Rev., I, p. 87).


            Lieutenant and Adjutant in Major Elias Van Bunschoten, Jr's Independent Corps. (Commission dated 24 July 1782, and manuscript “Return of the New York State Battallion Commanded by Major Elias Van Bunschoten who are Retiring from Service”, dated Schenectady, 9 January 1784).


            Captain in Lieutenant-colonel Philip Van Alstyne’s regiment of Columbia County Militia. (Commission and Council of Appt., I, p. 98). [Hugh wrote  "dated Sept. 13, 1786"].


            An extensive summary was compiled by Hugh McLellan of Pliny Moore’s published military service.   Note that some of the information is not correct.


Military Records of Pliny Moore:


(From the SAR. Mass. Hist. Memoranda, Best. 1897)

Pliny Moore, Sheffield........1759-1822

Drummer in Canadian expedition, and at Quebec, in 1775.  [Not correct - DSP]

Lieutenant, Capt. (Job) Wright’s Co., Gen. Williett’s [Willett’s] Reg, and Adjutant;

Battles at Yorktown, Va., and elsewhere [Error: Hugh wrote: ‘not so’]



(From the Mass. Soldiers & Sailors in the War of Rev. Bost. Vol. X, 931)

Moore, Pliny.

Private, Capt. Joshua Whitney’s Co., Col. Josiah Whitney’s Regt.; service from July 31, 1778, to Sept. 14, 1778, 1 mo, 18 days, at Rhode Island, Roll dated Worcester.   [Very Questionable - DSP]


Unknown Date

(N. Y. in the Revolution, Vol 1, p. 24)

Pliny Moore,

Private in 1st Regiment of the Line, Col. Goose VanSchaick.



(Same, p. 87)

Also in NY in Rev. by Fernow, Albany 1887, p 260, 539)

Lieut. & Adj. in Col. M. Willett’s Reg. of Levies raised 1782.

Lieut: July 24, 1782.

Adj: Nov. 7, 1782.



Commissions of Pliny Moore:



July 24, 1782.  Lieut. Independ. Corps, Elias Van Bunschotten Jr.

July 24, 1782.  Lieut. Regular Levies, M. Willett Lieut. Maj. Col. Command.



Sept. 13, 1786.  Capt. #7 of a Co. in the Reg. of Militia in the County of Columbia.  Philip Van Alstyne, Lieut. Col. Comm.



Letters concerning Pliny Moore’s military enlistment:



Dec. 26.  John Fellows Jr.  Camp at Dorchester, to Pliny Moore Spencertown.  “If you dont list as I have been informed you had a great mind to if you will stay till spring I will list with you if it is very cold 



Letter Apl. 24, 1776.  “I hear you have listed into the Continental Service to go to Quebec.  I believe that I shant go with you this summer.”


I shall expect a letter from you before you march as I hear it out till next Monday. 


Letters written to him from Spencertown, July 7, & 28, 1776 are addressed to Mr. Pliny Moor, in Capt. O. Harrows or Oharrows Company, at Tye [Ticonderoga], Crown Point & at fort George.



Nov. 10, 1780 Certificate of John McKinstry Maj, that PM had proceeded to Albany to join his Company. 



Letter from Elisha Pratt, 3d, dated Oct. 13, 1781 says: “When I read the Characters of Gen’l Starks and his Aid-Decamp and at the same time am informed that you are a Member of his Honorable Family...” and among his papers is a Remonstrance to Brig. Genl. Stark, Oct. 5, 1781.


Letter Sept. 20, 1781 addressed to Lieut. More in Col. McKinster’s Reg’t — Saratoga.

[1]   Fernow, N. Y. in Rev. I, p. 101

[2]   Clinton Papers, v, p. 223

[3]   Pliny Moore, Allen Everest, page 4.

[4]  Roberts, N. Y. in Rev., I, p. 87

A link to the NYS Historical Association Quarterly publication can be found here (Google Books)

                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782
                      Moore Papers: Captain Job Wright’s Company:
                      Colonel Marinus Willetts Levies, 1782

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